Monday, January 11, 2016

Back to Montana - Matt's Family - Day 3

It's another chilly day in the neighborhood and my super fun grands are getting ready for school.  Bundle up, my precious ones, as it is definitely chilly out there.

Before they left this morning, chores were done.  They were to put the laundry downstairs.  I have to laugh oh so hard as I round the corner to my room so that I can get dressed as well.  Memories of Matt come flooding in.  So close and yet so far away.  I keep chuckling as I dress.  It's just so cute.

Becca has made appointments for us to get pedicures this morning.  Yep -- I am being pampered.  How cool is this?  I truly love having this done at home by my sweetheart, but in here you get the whole foot treatment and that is indeed a delight.  Thank you so much Becca.

When one's toes are pretty, everything else just feels better.  If you don't agree, you have never had pretty toes.  So there.  See, the thing is that no matter how much weight I gain or lose -- no matter how my clothes fit or my hair looks or anything else -- feet really don't change much.  At least mine haven't.  Therefore, if the toes are pretty, the world around is just that much easier to take.  Color me simple.

Oh and speaking of coloring, after the pedicures, we go over to Barnes and Noble to find some treasures for Hyrum and Zyra.  Becca is after some books and/or winter activities.  While there, I spot this new adult coloring book stand.  I think these are really going to take the world by storm.  I want one, don't you?

We find some fun stuff for the kids, make a grocery store stop and then it's back to the house so that we are there when the kids get home.  They come in the door all excited and full of stories of their day and then Mama gifts them their new treasures.  Stop the presses -- we have something new to do.

Rough after school life, huh?

As I'm standing in the kitchen, the glow from outside becomes so beautiful.  I must go check it out.  Oh goodness, what a lovely sunset.  This is from the deck at Matt's house.

I would really like to get a better look at it so I QUICKLY throw on boots and a jacket and run down the street so see a better view - away from the trees.  WOW.  Oh my heart.  This is just supreme.

Back at the house, Matt and Becca have gone out for the evening since Gammy is here and the kids and I settle into a game of Aggravation.  It takes us about an hour to play and then it's "make up games" time.  There's the tried and true "Eensy Weensy Spider" which Hyrum just cannot master and it's followed by act out an animal.  We are laughing oh so hard as Zyra becomes an inchworm.  That is followed by the "Turtle Race".  Oh my sides.  At one point Hyrum stands up and races for the bathroom from laughing so hard.  As he later tells his dad, "I almost pee'd my pants, I was laughing so hard."  Such good times and great memories.  I have had the best time tonight.

Mom and Dad come home and we have a chance at a picture together.  I have to leave tomorrow and I'm not at all happy about it.

Yep, Hyrum -- love his personality.

Well, that's about it for this trip.  A few more chances for Matt to share funny stories and videos that they have taken.  Then it's time for bed as it will be an early out tomorrow.  I've had such a great time up here this week.  Time with family and old friends is not to be looked upon lightly.  It's what life's all about.

Take care everyone and thank you so much for letting me be a part of your week.  I will treasure the memories forever.

Love ya'll and you know the planes go both ways, right?

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