Sunday, December 13, 2015

Josh's Baptism -- Fun Family Time

After a leisurely morning, Mister and I hit the road at noon for Abilene.  It's almost a three hour drive and we spend it visiting for awhile before I grab a notepad and start making some rough outlines of the week ahead.  Yeah, I'm just that anal.

Jen's house is always busy and today is no exception.  This is an exciting day with lots to prepare.  Josh had his birthday a couple of weeks ago so the first thing we do is give him his card.  I love the way he takes the time to read it and moves his finger along while doing so.  Then, the smile.  Yep, always makes it all worth it.

Whenever Grandpa and I are around Jon always wants to show what he has been up to and today is no different.  Oh my goodness.  Look what he has built now.  Grandpa has to check it out up close and personal.  It reminds me of a mechanical spirograph.  Each time he sets it up, it gives a different picture as a result.  Pretty dang cool.  Several of the past designs are taped to a door in the hallway.  I'm super impressed. 

He also has a 3D pen that he got as a birthday gift this past year and we haven't had a chance to see it in action.  Dang -- I'm getting old.  It makes a plastic scribble.  Next, he hauls Grandpa outside to show him the remote control car that he has built.  Yes, this is what Jon loves to do.  Build.  Very cool.  Okay back to Josh.

He and Grandpa work on some origami while dinner finishes getting prepared.  There are muffins receiving cute little picks and various other items being assembled.  While Grandpa is playing, Jen and Louis working in the kitchen, and kids are popping in to say hi I take advantage and get them to take some selfies with me.  I readily admit that this part of the current social world has me puzzled and everytime I try to be a part of it, something happens to my pictures.  I just can't figure it out.  I get one with Jared and one with Jon before we are called to dinner.  I do love these boys.

After a wonderful fondue dinner, we quickly change clothes and are off to the church for Josh's baptism.  Arriving a wee bit early gives the boys time for some cool picture and some impromptu music making.  Love it.

I also get the rest of the selfies -- oh yeah it's fun, but still crappy pictures.  Grrr.  Where are my eyes on these.  Why are we looking away from the camera.  Oh please let me learn this technology.

Gotta admit, I love this one.  A rare picture of the two of us.

It's just about time for the program to start and Josh and Louis are now in their whites.  Picture time.

Grandpa and I sneak pictures during the talks cos we just want to remember all that happens and what is said.  It's so hard to do that without some sort of record.  Jon is the chorister and leads us in the opening hymn before Jacob does an opening prayer.  I absolutely cannot believe how big these boys have gotten.  I have to tilt my neck a long way to look up at them now.  Where has the time gone?  Here is the program and first up is Jen with her talk on Baptism.  These little bears help her out and it is a great talk.  

After Jen's talk, it is time to walk over to the other side of the building where the font is for the actual baptism.  Again, we sneak a pic - BEFORE -- the actual ceremony starts.  They are still getting ready.

After the baptism, we go back to the other room and wait for Louis and Joshua.  He is all smiles when he returns to the room.  What a cutie.  Next up is the talk on the Gift of the Holy Ghost and it is given by Bekah.  She does a GREAT job and I again need a picture to remind me of what she all said.  Mister does the sneak this time for our memory.  I wish I could have recorded her interaction with Josh cuz it was wonderful.  Her tools are left out after the talk and I grab a picture so that I can once again remember what she said.

It's time for Josh's confirmation and he is again all smiles.  The confirmation is done by Louis and soon we have sung the closing hymn and the deed is done.  It's time for root beer floats and a bit of visiting with all who came to witness the event.  It's been a wonderful night and everything defied the family curse and went smooth.  How nice is that?  I round up people for a few more pictures -- gotta take advantage whenever I can.  Can you believe that these boys are almost as tall as Grandpa?  Wow.  Also, I round up Jen and Bekah for our annual 3 generation picture.  I treasure these moments so much. 

 Here is Deborah Lee, Jennifer Lee, and Rebekah Lee (not in that order).  Yes, it's a tradition.

It's so sad, our time to leave is here as we have to drive back to Dallas tonight.  I grab Josh for a few moments together while Bekah and Jon commandeer the piano.  Ah memories.

What a great evening.  I wish we had more time with everyone butt hopefully between Christmas and New Years we will get a chance.  What a truly nice night.  See ya soon.  Here is one parting shot of the "white" basket of goodies for Josh and a Mom/Dad/Josh shot.  Extra large marshmallows compliments of Grandpa -- handkerchiefs by Gammy.  Obviously we know who the practical one is.

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