Saturday, December 17, 2022

Weekend Getaway - Liberty HIll, TX - Day 1

 My sweetheart suggested a weekend getaway and booked a place for us in Liberty Hill, TX.  I have to give him credit as he knows this is such a hard time of year for me and taking my focus off of being so far away from kids is something he has perfected each year.  Come along with us as we explore a new-to-us area of Texas.  But first --- an area I am familiar with along the way.  I pass these dinosaurs each time I drive to retreat.  They have multiplied over the past year and make me giggle with each passing.

Mister has not been to downtown Glen Rose and I love it there, so we decide to swing through.  There is a small market going on so a stop is made to check it out.  Each time I'm here, I try and pick up a new little tidbit and here is todays.  I know it's hard to read the sign in the picture, so here ya go:

"Long ago, dinosaurs once roamed this area of Texas.  In 1917 the federal government outlawed liquor by passing 'Prohibition.'  The dinosaurs quickly started to vanish.  The good folks of Glen Rose, to preserve the dinosaurs, started making moonshine.  Late at night, they were seen pouring barrels of the 'white lightning' into the tributaries and the mainstream Paluxy River, so the dinosaurs could drink.  Glen Rose became known as the 'Moonshine Capitol of Texas.'  Glen Rose operated in concerted defiance of one of Prohibition's chief champions, Texas Governor Pat Neff.  In 1923 Neff dispatched Texas Rangers and undercover agents to do the job of the unwilling local law enforcement.  More than fifty men were arrested, including the sheriff and the county prosecutor.  Moonshine ceased to flow, and the dinosaurs eventually became extinct.  For almost 100 years, dinosaurs were no longer seen......... .Only their footprints remained. In 2021, a group of citizens got together and formed a group called 'The People for Glen Rose.'  They convinced the citizens of Glen Rose to sign a petition to place a liquor referendum on the November ballot.  On November 3, 2022, the referendum legalizing the sale of alcohol, including mixed drinks, passed by a 4-1 margin.  Clearly, the people of Glen Rose missed the dinosaurs.  Now, the dinosaurs have started making a comeback.  They can now be see, once again, roaming the streets of Glen Rose.  So, when you see a member of 'The People for Glen Rose,' make sure you buy them a drink.  They deserve it, and the dinosaurs will love you for it.

I LOVE this, and, perhaps the field above makes more sense now.  If you are interested in more about Glen Rose, check out this POST as well.

My love is still chatting with a leather maker - moments like this tell me he is ready for small town life.

One more stop before we leave so that I can gain a bit more info.  The Old County Jail was built in 1934, funded as a WPA Government project during the depressions, as a replacement for the first county jail built in 1884, located on the same site.  The first structure was one story tall with the cell cage setting on the ground inside.  The new structure housed the sheriff and/or jailer plus his family on the lower floor; prisoners were upstairs.  The jailer's wife cooked meals for the prisoners.  A wood stove was tended by the prisoners.  The original cell cage sets in the middle of the room with a run-around for exercise and for lesser felons.  A jailbreak occurred in the 1960's when prisoners cut the bars at night and covered the cut with wax shoe polish.  On another night later, they pried the bars back with a stick of stove wood, soaped their bodies and slipped out the window to the ground.  They were apprehended, though.  In the 1970'2, the State of Texas condemned this building, forcing the county to build a new one.  The county refurbished the lower space, but the upstairs remains unchanged.

Okay, back on the road again and our next stop is for food in Evant, TX.

Main Street Diner is the ticket and a burger is the result.  It was YUM.!

We try and notice the unique things along the way, but I just wasn't taking good pictures at this stop.

As we are nearing Liberty Hill, we notice a sign for a new brewery and decide to check it out.  That leads us to Schitz Creek.  Yeah, it's spelled different, but oh so funny.

This place is HUGE - there is a distillery, winery, and brewery here.  The only of it's kind in Texas.

First stop is the brewery - of course.

GREAT selection of snacks.  I only wish the breweries in Dallas did this.

We spent several hours chatting with the brewer (wish, wish, wish I could remember his name) and his assistant, Robert, more fondly known as Bobo.

The decor in the place is pretty cool.

AND there are goats and donkeys outside.  How fun is this?

"Hey Lady, you smell yummy."

More around the grounds.

Grape vines on site as well.

Before departing, we make a stop in the winery/distillery to check things out and walk in while music is playing.  Quickly grabbing a seat, this is pure enjoyment.

A Montana license plate get the conversation going once they finish for the day.

A quick peek into the winery/'distillery bar area - 

In the picture above - look at the floor and you will see a glassed in area.  Guess what it is filled with?

And a truffle for fun.

Well, now it is time to check into our little AirBNB so down the country lane we go.

OHHHHHH - this is AMAZING!!  By fat the cutest place we've stayed.

A short walk from the front door nets us this:

Looking back at the house.

From the porch to the donkey/zebra area.  How fun.

We met with Sharon, the owner, for a brief moment and she had yummy, fresh-baked cookies for us.

Her recommendation for dinner - Dahlia's

It's a down-home, country restaurant and if it wasn't so cold outside, would probably have a full patio in addition to the inside.  This place is hopping for a small town diner.  I'm not feeling real well, so a simple fair, but Mister said his chicken friend steak was fabulous.  Rivals Babes even.

As we return back to the house, the entire place is lit up, but one home stands out.  Oh my.  Land of inflatables.  That's it for today.  See you tomorrow.

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