Monday, December 19, 2022

Weekend Getaway - Liberty Hill, TX - Day 2 - 3 (home)

 Good Morning from Liberty Hill, TX.  It is pretty chilly outside, but Mister is already up and checking out the property.  Do you see him?

I'm a little slower this morning and by the time I'm dressed, he has made me a coffee to tote around and off we go.  The area around our cabin is on the edge of a cliff that overlooks the San Gabriel River.  There is not a ton of water in there right now, but you can see how deep the gorge is.

Looking back at our little cabin.

We decide to follow one of the trails on the property - it's great and leads us to the zebra and donkey paddock.  They are not there right now as it is breakfast time for them, but we WILL return with treats later on.

For now - we're going to explore Liberty Hill a bit.  Walking downtown on a sleepy Sunday morning doesn't give much in the way of shopping, but the cool air is good for us.  Some scenes from town -

We do manage to find an open candy shop and Mister walks out with honey to take home.  Yum.  Next is a Memorial Park.

Down at the end of the street, we find the funkiest looking building with very  unique embellishments.  It's just not a very deep building at all.

Deciding to check out the area a bit, we drive to Bertram and find a very full parking lot at the old train depot.  The local steam train is running back and forth today for a Polar Express type event.  How fun is that?

Making a loop back to Liberty Hill, San Gabriel River Brewery is next on our list.  Seriously - the route here is wackadoodle, but the beer is yummy and the conversation lively.

Owner, Patrick gives Mister a little peek before we leave.

Earlier, we stopped in a little market in Liberty Hill and picked up some carrots for these two.

So. Much. Fun.

I'm petting a ZEBRA!!!!

And having a blast doing so.  He knows I have more carrots.

Finally, I share with Mister.

This was a deep conversation.

I'm back at the cabin, but Mister is soaking up the time we have.

Back into town and dinner at Hell or High Water Brewing and no pics.  Dinner was wings and the beer was okay.  That is all.  On the way back, we thought we'd share just a peek of the lit up downtown area.

It's off to bed and the next morning I'm up way before Mister so I cuddle on the sofa and just hang out.  Love, love, love it here.

We make just one stop on the way home (a fabric shop, of course) and had a wonderful 3 hours driving in pouring rain.  Now to get the house ready for freezing temperatures that are coming our way.  See you around.

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