Thursday, December 2, 2021

Brock and Jill Come to Visit - Days 1 & 2

 It's been a whirlwind of a week getting ready for guests (yes, we LOVE guests and playing tour guide is one of our favorite activities) and today has finally arrived.  An airport pickup at 1:30 p.m. and then home to drop off baggage, have a light lunch and get settled in.  Once Uncle is off work we are off for some dinner at one of our favorite local BBQ's - Intrinsic Brewery.

I'm going to be honest here and tell you that I struggled with the amount of pictures to include in these posts (today and the next few ones as well) but y'all are just gonna have to put up with an explosion because I know my niece will want to see all of them.  Just scroll on past if they don't interest you as much.  

Greyson is definitely keeping tabs on where Mom and Dad are.  He's not upset being with me, but still a little unsure.  We'll get to be friends.  I can feel it.  As Brock and Jill return, one has succumbed to the lure of the loaded baked potato.  Yep, it's Wednesday.

The rest of us had meat platters and they just were so very good.  Check Texas BBQ off the list.  From here, it might be international all the way.  At least that's the plan.

All together now --- 

Funny story to insert.  Brock was sharing his beans with Greyson and he absolutely loved them.  After about 5 or 6 spoonful's, he started messing with his mouth and we could tell he was uncomfortable, but still going after the beans.  It took a bit, but apparently they were too spicy for him.  Some liquid fixed the problem and he moved on to other food.   Scenes from the space -- holiday cheer all around.

On the patio a band was playing and Greyson LOVED it.  So much so that he delighted us with his dancing and didn't want to go.  The shoes are proof that the feet are in motion.

Mister has a surprise stop at the end.  Andy's for frozen custard.

Share Mommy, share.

Finally, the day has hit the quiet down stage.  Greyson gets a chance to see Uncle's train under the tree and is mesmerized with it.  With that, it's time for him to settle into bed for the night and the adults have the opportunity to just visit for a bit.  It's eleven before we know it - goodness.  Tomorrow is zoo day so we need some sleep (keep reading - 2 days on this post).

Good Morning --- toys all around while people get ready to leave the house.  I've managed to feed everyone a simple breakfast and we are outta here.  

Fortunately, during our toy purge earlier this year, we did manage to leave some behind just for moments like this.  I've found the cars and it doesn't take him very long to figure out what I'm doing and copy me.  Little boys and cars --- a match made in heaven and they never outgrow that love.

Hello Dallas Zoo.  We're ready to just enjoy the day with the animals.  I'm not going to comment much through here -- just enjoy the pictures.

A bamboo lesson.  Brock was amazed to discover that it was a grass and grew so fast.  Toss in that it grows here and it becomes more special.

Train ride ---- not great photo opportunities but we managed to snag a few.  I don't know if Greyson had fun, but it looks like Jill did.

Auntie's turn.

Into Bird's Landing for some fun ---- the faces --- oh I love the faces.

Emperor Tamarins can provide grand fun as well.

Alpacas - 

A bit of play time

The lions are out and I cannot believe how big the cubs are.  Oh goodness.

Feeding the giraffes --- Brock, Jill, Greyson, and I all took turns.

African Painted Dogs

Ahhhh -- we caught the gorillas down close to the window and even the two youngsters were about.  Super fun but terrible pictures due to the window.

Meercat fun - 

A quick peek at the hippos but they are quietly snoozing in the water.  Not much action this late in the day.

The first time we came past the penguins, they were way at the back and not interested in moving.  This time, they gave Greyson a good show.

AND - if at first you don't succeed, keep trying.  The first time through, he would not have any part of this, but now --- we got a close idea.

And a close up howdy - 

It's time to go, but a stop at the Merry Go Round needs to happen first.

Lunch is Italian.  We are off to Cane Rosso for Napolitano Pizza -- outside - oh, and some brussels sprouts too.  Brock and Jill are loving the short sleeves, patio dining in December.  Honestly- they are lucky.  It could change tomorrow.

Uncle having fun.

A stop at Central Market --- we just need some treats and it's a fun store to share with people.

At this point I think we are in awe at the price of truffles.

Home for a nap and some relaxation.  It's perfect and down time is always required by all.  
By the time dinner comes around, we are off to Thailand.  As usual, we are treated like royalty and have a fantastic meal.  Thai Opal really can't be beat.  Even Greyson had a great time and enjoyed his meal.

For our night adventure --- it's down to the Continental Bridge and some clear pictures of downtown.  If only the photographer was as perfect as the night.  I think I was in a hurry on ALL of these, but catching a moving target is a challenge too.

The best part of his night -- being let loose and pushing the stroller.

Here's hoping they have better luck with just the two of them.

Well, that's the end of day two.  We drove through downtown on the way home and called it done.  A night of visiting and sharing photos ensued before everyone said goodnight.  Tomorrow is another day.  Oh, and some more train fun.

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