Sunday, December 5, 2021

Brock and Jill Come To Visit - Days 4 & 5

 Welcome to another day in the tour group.  With a little in the house, sleeping in wouldn't happen even if we wanted it to.  We have a lot of living still to get in and we have not achieved our goal of having guests fall asleep in the car while driving yet.  Yes, it's always a goal.

This morning we are off to France for breakfast.  Some might say New Orleans, but even that was French in base.  Le Bon Temps in Deep Ellum has the BEST beignets.  I think they are even better than CafĂ© Du Monde in Louisiana.  Are you ready?  

I've ordered Classique's and chicory coffee for all.  Yep, ya gotta do it right and go original.  A peek inside as they work on the lovely goodies.

The shop is tiny so outdoor seating on the road is the only option.  While we wait, I've grabbed a table and a couple of chairs and Uncle is out walking with Greyson, who wants out of the stroller --- desperately.  Uncle obliges and sets him on a grass covered chair --- not much response there either.  He needs food and it arrives just in time.  We are all ready and I'm happy to share a fun moment with family.

Now, these are not for the person that frets over a little mess.  They are WONDERFUL, but crazy messy.

He likes it --- ("Mikey") Greyson likes it.

Next up is the Children's Aquarium.   We've not been since the new ownership took over and I'm eager to see the changes as well.  We make a beeline to the stingray tank in the hopes of having some fun before a party we saw in a room lets out.  Greyson has ZERO hesitation and into the water his hand goes.  The stingrays are so EAGER for the loving.  Warning:  picture overload so that Jill could have as many as she wants.

Ooooh, a baby one.

At the shark tank - 

This just made me so very sad.  Poor sweet girl.

Uncle is attracting the stingrays - 

Now, to check out the rest of the aquarium.

Hands on with a ball python - 

This next tank has an elusive occupant and I actually am able to get a good picture of the Mexican Axolotl.  They are named after the Aztec god "Xolotl" who threw himself into Lake Xochimilco and transformed into this remarkable salamander.  Axolotl means "water monster."

This picture is being shared because I'm being watched --- another "who is fascinated with who" moment?

So, this picture does not do justice to the wonder of this moment.  The red ball over the water contains food and the fish shoot water at it to release the food.  The Archerfish are fun to watch, for sure.  Right next to this are the sea horses and this one is wandering all over the tank, allowing us to really watch the dorsal fins control its movement.

About this time, little guy needs out and something to do.  Crayons happen and I'm happy to sit with him and just play for a bit.

When Mom and Dad return, I take a minute to check out something new to me.  Dragon Seahorses.  These are cool!

So, they are coloring one of the pages correctly - we just colored haphazardly.

We then give the colored picture to this lady in the corner and she puts it into a viewer.

Which then projects onto the screen behind and we watch their seahorse swim away.  Do you see it?

Very cool Jelly Fish - the inner flower shaped area is glowing brightly and that means they just ate.  Who knew?


It's time to take a short walk and let Greyson stretch his legs a little as we have a drive ahead of us.

When we get to the lagoon, Uncle and I take Greyson off to explore.  Holding hands is his new lesson in growth.  So much fun ahead.

What can we see at the top?

How about checking out a Wooly Mammoth?

Okay ---- perhaps all that fresh air will help a nap along the drive.  We are outta the city.  Brock asked to "see Texas" and he didn't mean a huge city.  We are going to do our best with small town life and fun for the day.  First stop - Pilot Point, TX, where a lesson in mistletoe is given and handled quite properly..  The mistletoe is in a Bois d'Arc tree and we show them the horse apples beneath as well.

It's really rather funny.  Greyson went to pick one up and it was knocked out of his hand quite quick.  When Uncle tried to show them to him after, he wouldn't have anything to do with it.  Lesson learned fast.

Lunch is required.  We don't have a lot of options here, but a burger joint is available.  Burgers were NOT on the requested food list, but small town life doesn't have a ton of options.  Out of the stroller and sharing a bench with Auntie and Uncle.  He does GREAT.

Burgers were decent, fries were disappointing.  Oh well.

The owner came over to talk A LOT with us.  HE (not the lady in the picture) used to live in the same area as Mister and I so had a quite a bit to say.

With happier tummies, we can explore for a bit now.  As Jill goes into the stores, I am fascinated by what is happening all around me.

Pilot Point is having a fun event this evening and the town is setting up for a Whoville/Grinch party.  Just check out some of the dĂ©cor on these old buildings.  

The buildings in these pictures were constructed from 1870 to 1900.  The grey one housed dry goods on the first floor and a "flophouse" on the 2nd floor.  Mrs. Copenhavr also sold sewing notions at this location for many years.   The tan/red brick stripe building was a barber shop during the 1920's.  It was also a cafĂ© known to be frequented by Bonnie & Clyde.  The red brick/green building was originally built as a hardware and harness business.  From 1896 until the early 1900's it was Grays Furniture and Undertaking.  In the 1930's it was used as a dance hall.  Stephens Grocery Store was located here for many years as well.

The bank where portions of the movie, "Bonnie and Clyde," was filmed.  The town holds an annual festival commemorating the event.

More Whoville fun - 

We are just walking around the town square and are amazed at how much there is to see and talk about.

When Mister and I first came here, Lowbrow's Saloon was located.  It has fond memories for us and we are sad that it is currently closed, however, it is hopefully opening again after the first of the year.  As we walk around the building, I LOVE all the history being seen and enjoyed.   I want to just wander all day but know we don't have the time for it.

This!!!  What was it?  What is it used for now?  So many questions.

Behind it --- 

Hmmmm - 

Some looks back and we are on the road again - heading east.

Celina, TX is the next destination and it's a new spot for Mister and I as well.  As we are driving down the road, a herd of longhorns are right up near the road, causing us to stop and Brock to get out saying, "I am going to be THAT person."  Too funny.  (No, we didn't go inside the fence --- not THAT person.)

At this point, I'm drawn out as well.

Followed by Jill for a "Texas" picture.

Welcome to Celina.

Into town and a stop at the candy store.  Of course.  

It's called Hey Sugar and I could spend hours in here just peeking in every bin.  The smell of sugar hangs in the air, though, and a few minutes is all I have.  I offer to get a truffle for my sweetie but he would prefer an espresso instead.  Okay -- we'll find that then.

I do take a few minutes to take pictures of this shop.  Mister points out the candies through time display and I LOVE it.  How fun is this?  How many do you remember or can you even see them?

Wall signs - 

When I join the other outside, apparently trouble is brewing.  They wanted to give Greyson a ride and he love the little yellow car right up until the coin drops and it moves.  Then, it's not fun anymore.

Check out the tree in the square ---- away he goes.

Time to be silly a bit - 

There is music playing in the square and Greyson's gives into it.  It's becoming and very normal stance and I can't help but giggle.  A coffee shop is spotted across the square and espresso can be found.

While they go to get coffee, Brock and I stay behind to play with Greyson.

Brock and Jill want to check out a few other shops so Uncle and I play with Greyson for a bit and even manage to turn him into an angel for a brief minute.  Love it.

Family photo time thanks to two missionaries in the square.  

That's it for Celina --- back on the road again, with McKinney, Tx as our next destination.  We are going up in town size as we travel today.  Once we locate a parking spot - never easy in downtown McKinney and especially difficult on event weekends - we are off to The Yard for dinner.  We have a bit of a wait and so Greyson and I find a nook to sit in while we wait for the others.

Once we have our table, the food is great and although it's not really a different country --- we're doing Texas today, it appears.  So much fun and after dinner, we start to walk the town for a bit.

Lots of fun and excitement are taking place downtown.  The decorations are really fun as well.

As we walk around and do a little shopping, the lights start to come on -- giving a magical feel to the town square.

Even a lit up merry go round, which, in turn, lights up Greyson's eyes and warrants him another round with the ponies.

Some wonderful scenes of downtown McKinney - 

I spot this food truck and want to scream YES!!!  What an amazing idea.  I so wish I was not stuffed to the gills from dinner.  Perhaps, another weekend I will find it somewhere in the metroplex.

That's it.  Stick a fork in us ---we're done.  Home for baths and some relaxation.  Uncle and Greyson are content in no time.  That's basically it for today but this is a 2 day post ---take a breath and keep going.

It's our last day together.  So sad.  A calm morning happens and then we are off to the coffee shop for breakfast.  A walk will do us all some good.  Pssst - there are a few leaves around Dallas.

I've snagged the outside corner at the coffee shop and built a barricade with Brock's help.  Now we wait for Jill and Uncle to return.  In the meantime, chocolate milk shows up and becomes his complete fixation.

Ahhh --- food and morning fun.

When we leave the coffee shop, Mister leads the way to the school playground to let Greyson get some wiggles out before being stuck in an airport/plane all day.  First up -- the swing and the smiles.

And he's off ---- at a mad dash and beware anyone in his path.  Literally - one poor little one went down.

Family fun time - 

Argh --- back home and final packing taking place.  I've promised them a quilt or two so we go through and find the one they want for their bed in addition to a Christmas one I've already put in the bag.

Chex Mix is ALWAYS a hit.

We've opted to load the car up and go have Mexican before they leave.  Tex-Mex, that is.  We'll go to the airport from here.  Again, we are able to locate a patio spot that is perfect.  The Taco Joint does well and all food is enjoyed.  With these final pics, our time together comes to an end.  We deliver them to the airport and go inside to help them out with baggage and stuff.  Once they are through security, out the door we go.  The house will just be so quiet now.  Thank you, Brock and Jill, for coming and sharing your precious vacation time with us.  We loved EVERY minute of it.

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