Saturday, December 5, 2020

4th Annual Cookie and Ornament Exchange

 It's that time of year once again.  My annual Cookie and Ornament Exchange is about to commence.  That means a bit of work is required.  First, the house had to be decorated!!  You can peek in on that with this LINK.  Each year we do a craft and I've selected a super easy one for 2020.  We need easy right now.  

The clear bulb is written on with either silver or gold and then filled with beads/pearls.  Top it off with a bow and call it done.  Perfect.  

Next, cookies!!!  This turned out to be rather last minute due to a new range arriving, but they are now done and oh so yummy.  I did Banana Spice and Soft Pumpkin Cookies --- about 8 dozen of each.

All set - 

Now, it's time - the day has arrived.  The cookies are boxed up, meal is prepped, and the house is ready -- I just need guests and they are starting to arrive.  Before long, the table in the den is covered with cookies from each person.

Brunch is served and we are having cinnamon rolls, quiche, fresh fruit, bacon, scrambled eggs and coffee/juice.  Jen has not yet arrived due to some car issues, but she's on the way.

I neglected to take a picture when it was a neat and pretty --- oh well.

Time for the ornament craft.

The best part of the whole day ---- just sitting and visiting.  Paula decorated her book and received a PC door prize for her efforts.

Ornaments are ready for exchanging.

My treasures!!!  (With the page inserts in the background --- everyone's book was updated once again.)

Jen arrives and is able to sit and visit with everyone for a nice long time.  No one is in a hurry to leave this year --- we just need this time together!!!!  The completed ornaments (Jen did one too but I didn't get a picture as she completed it late at night.)

All together now --- smile!!!  I so enjoyed today --- it's worth all the work just to have this time with friends and family.  So, in the interest of full disclosure --- the best part is that Jen stayed the night and we got to spend some nice time together.  Happy Holidays everyone.

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