Saturday, November 27, 2021

Thanksgiving - A Little Late

 After a week of couch living, I am finally up to Thanksgiving dinner.  My poor sweetheart has been fending for himself and grousing a wee bit about missing the holiday.  We had to stay home from Jens and it was a really boring day for us.  I was able to get a little done yesterday, but today --- I'm good as gold.

Today -- we are making our own dinner.  There are just somethings that shouldn't be missed.  Mister's turkey looks amazing.

He's even set the table beautifully - WITH my leaf placemats I made.  Too fun.  (We both think they should be bigger, but the pattern didn't allow for enlarging.)

All the trimmings --- well, most of them anyway.  Only one potato and no rolls but there are still oodles of carbs.

Dig in.  So, so good.  Happy Thanksgiving --- two days late.

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