Sunday, March 6, 2022

LDU Coffee

 New coffee shops are always fun.  Today we are going to LDU Coffee and take some time to learn the story behind it.  In their own words:  Mark and Adam Lowes are "two hairy Australian men who happen to be brothers, and also happen to enjoy making and drinking coffee together.  With only the best American machinery, a little European flair and a healthy Australian disrespect for trend and tradition, they created an original recipe and style.  Their coffee was different to anything else they had tasted before and they got so excited about it they opened a little store in downtown Perth that became an almost instant phenomenon.  They play the music they loved, served the coffee they loved and spent every minute working on making their customers feel special during their time in the store.

After successfully testing their recipe on countless Australians for nearly a decade, the brother began to wonder if there was a bigger challenge awaiting them.   Through a remarkable series of events, Mark and Adam found themselves in Texas reveling in local music, eating tacos and brisket, and drinking the most incredible beer they had ever tasted.  The only thing they couldn't find was strong coffee.  So, the new challenge was upon them.  They believed their unique coffee style and service could contribute something to the might of Texas food and drink culture."

They have 3 store in the metroplex and we are fortunate to live by one of them.  The boys both live in Dallas and today we are lucky enough to get some visit time with Mark.  As a result we now know just where to go for the "coffee scene" when we make our journey to Australia and New Zealand in a couple of years.  Woot, woot.  Oh, they won't tell anyone what LDU stands for, but I'm going with Land Down Under as my guess.

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