Sunday, February 23, 2025

Bday Weekend Continues - Dallas Zoo, Trinity Cider, Le Bons Temp, and Vector

 We are still in the birthday weekend/season and today we are off to walk the zoo and get some exercise at the same time.  It's still pretty chilly out, so some animals may be in hiding.  That's okay.  Off we go.

First stop is to play with some birds.  Mister has the magic touch today - they are really only interested in him.

This guy - he's a bully.  Seriously.  He just sits and squawks at the other birds.  He's a Blue-Bellied Roller and thinks he's pretty tough.

This one - hmmmm.  Apparently it does this to itself - rubbing against branches.

He's the bird whisperer.

I do get a few and I asked this one to "look at yourself."  How funny is this?


At this point - the Roller let's his bullying go full force and scares all the other birds away.  Well, that was fun.  Onto wandering Zoo North and then heading over to the other side.  Tamandua up close and personal.

The hippos are super funny today - all except one are out of the water and sleeping when we arrive.

Gus is taking a swim.

Suddenly one stands up - stares and the others and then lays back down.

Nearby - a young okapi hangs out.

Back to the hippos - Gus is now out of the water and everyone is up.

The girls start walking away - Gus lays down.

Girls turn around - everyone lays back down.  We get a kick out of how their leg gets tucked under.

Onto the Gorilla Trail - best thing here?  Gorilla Yoga.

Baby elephant can't figure out how to work the little gulch.  Quite comical to watch and it takes him awhile.

Giraffes all around - 

Time to go - I'm hungry.  We're trying a new spot in Deep Ellum - Trinity Cider.  The minute we walk up, I'm laughing.  GREAT sign.

Fabulous server behind the bar - samples all around.

Choices, choices.

This is just so yummy - Dry Spell (I know it's not checked above, but they had it.)

Dominican food for the tummies.  This is SOOOOO good.  Tres Golpes Breakfast Burger - chimi burger patty topped with fried cheese, salami, and fried egg.  Special sauce on the side.

While we are enjoying Trinity - things are happening outside.  One just never knows with Deep Ellum so I take a peek.  They are doing a basketball thing - sink the ball and get a bag of chips.

Across the street - there is a Maverick set up for pics and the mascot hanging out as well.  Watch party going on inside.

While I'm taking pics - the mascot spots me and gives a pose.  Thank you!

Out on the street - we head for some beignets.  Yes!!!

Fresh, hot, and divine.  Who could ask for anything more?

Our afternoon is about up.  Time to point the car back to the hood.  Into Vector we go, and because we haven't had enough carbs today - pizza happens.  Another great day together.

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