Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Hyrum and Zyra Come to Visit 2023 - Day 6 & 7 - Water Park and Good-byes

 Today is going to be an EPIC day.  Truly, for we are going to Epic Waters, an indoor water park.  I've not been here before, so we'll see how it goes.  Indoor is the big draw, for sure, as it is another cooker out there.  This will go down as one hot summer, for sure.

As soon as we are in and I've located a table (looking back on it - poorly chosen, but . . . ), they are off.

Where to?  Well, take a look at the view from my table.

I'm thinkin they will start with these - and I was right.  Woohoo!!!

From my vantage point, there is a bar, 

and a cafe.

I take a walk down towards the ride area to see all the options that are available to them.  They can choose this slide - 

These tubes go from inside to outside and back in for the end.

Back down to the table and I spot them making the trek back up again.

This time they are choosing the really steep slides that let out right by me.  They are straight drops down from the top and then into a tube.

I hear music behind me and turn around --- now we have circus performers.  Crazy place.

Also behind me is the Flowrider and it requires special permission, so Hyrum and I go off to sign his life away.  He promises not to get hurt.  Right.

I did take a video of his two attempts, but it is too long to insert here.  I do have a link to our vimeo account, though.  Here ya go:    https://vimeo.com/manage/videos/853506898  

Meanwhile, back to the circus performers.

I find the kids awhile later just coming down the big slide.

Out they come and have to give up their tube for another person's turn.  We have a great time here and enjoy lunch along with much more water time.  At one point, Zyra asked if I heard her scream of terror as Hyrum had talked her into the really steep one.  After that, they pretty much kept doing the harder ones.  

Dinner tonight has been anticipated all week.  They requested Tony's so one could have eggplant parmigiana and the other an alfredo pizza all to himself.

He can't believe he ate the whole thing.  Hahahahaha

A bit of game time when we get home, but also laundry and packing.  It's so sad, but they depart tomorrow morning and I'm a pretty unhappy Gammy over it.  I so wish we lived closer and could play more often.  If only wishes came true.

11th - Good Morning.  Grandpa made breakfast for all while we finished getting ready to go.  LOVE these two so very much.  Now, it's time to fly.

My last view of them.

And they are off.  I hang around the airport until I know the plane is in the air and then home to just Mister and me and one day to prep for my next adventure.  Thank you, Matt and Becca, for sharing your beautiful children with us.  We can't wait until the next time.

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