Sunday, July 2, 2023

Road Trip Time Day 33 - Moriarty, NM to Home

 Good Morning!  Guess what?  The interstate is open again.  Can you believe that I40 was backed up for 18-20 hours.  Oh man.  Some of the pictures from online were crazy.  So glad we hopped off and got some sleep.  We don't get a crazy early start, but by the time we get to Amarillo, it's 1:00 and I want food.  I have looked up a brewery in the area and take us to it.  It turns out to be the cheesiest tourist trap in Texas.  Mister just shakes his head at me and in we go.  I had no idea, honest.  We wait for a seat at the bar and as soon as one opens up, we order and I decide to walk a bit and take some pictures.  I mean if we're going to be touristy, let's do it up right.

This is a Route 66 Roadside Attraction.  The Big Texas Steak Ranch is the home of the "free 72oz. steak" and this place has been feeding hungry travelers since 1960.  Crazy, right?

There is a full-size (read that as HUGE) restaurant inside, and people are lined up like crazy to get into it.  We, on the other hand, order at the bar.

As I look across the restaurant, I see a smoky kitchen where the steaks are grilling continuously.  Here is a zoom on it.

Scenes from around the place - yes, cheesy.

I'm headed back to Mister --- drinks and food are heading our way.

With full bellies, we are back on the road and go about another 3 hours before we stop again.  This time we are in Wichita Falls.  It takes a LONG time to get across Texas, but home is looking possible for tonight.  

Wichita Falls Brewing is GINORMOUS!!  No joke.  I didn't take a picture of the area behind us, but it likely seats several hundred.

Just in case you get lost.

Lots of taps.

Even the restroom is interesting.

It's our last day of the road trip, so we pay homage to all the kid food we have enjoyed and finish out the journey with cheese bread and sauce.  Time for the final leg.

We get home around 8 and the place is still standing and the plants look VERY good considering how long they have been left to their own.  Fortunately, it DID rain quite a bit while we were gone.  The lawn is LONG and that will get tackled tomorrow, but for now, a few pics, unload the car, and take a breath.  

It was an amazing trip and I would do it all over again, but I'm very glad to be sitting in our house with my feet up and finishing this post.  Onto the rest of July.  I have a few days to prepare for grands.  Yep, more fun ahead.

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