Sunday, July 9, 2023

Hyrum and Zyra Come to Visit 2023 - Day 5 - Aquarium

 Back to back animal days!  So much fun for us old folks and I hope the young'uns see it that way too.  We are off to the Dallas World Aquarium ---- LOVE this place.  Before we even enter the building, this guy is greeting us.  The last time I was here he wouldn't even look at me and kept turning his back, making my grandson, Josh, laugh.  This time --- he's not so anti-social.

We're all here and ready for fun.  

What do you think we see?

Well ---- this is a first for me.  The manatee from above.  I've never been lucky like this before and I love it.

Gramps and the kids.

Looking down ---- howdy.  "Don't drop the phone, Gam," is heard.

Sooooo - we are at the aquarium, but this place is so much more than sea animals.  Birds abound.

Human grands, too.  Parrots above.  They want to know if Mom wants this type so we sent her a text - hence, the picture.

Hey there, handsome!

LOVE the sea turtles --- heading my way!!

We spot the manatee in the corner and begin the patient wait for it to move and peek at us.

Ahhhhh - it did happen!

Beauty of the sea - 

Along with starfish.  They are just so cool.

He looks kind of crabby, right?

Surrounded by various marine life.

Sawfish behind - 

And above.

We've made it to the lower levels - 

The color on the flamingos is simply wonderful!  So vivid.

This guy is in charge and giving everyone else a what for.

All together now - memories being made.

So, this bird built the hanging thing - one piece at a time.  Sooooo crazy.

Looking for the way out --- Mister discovered this darkened exit.  Fun pic.

And we're out.  It is time to feed the natives and Cindi's Deli is the choice we make.  If you've never been, you are missing out on a real treasure.  Stop in one if in Dallas.  Yum.

Zyra and her matzo ball soup.

Isn't A/C grand?  We are home and relaxing - just enjoying the temps.  They have a Monty Python film on and that means, I'm finding other things to do.  Crazy people.  I think the range of emotions in this pic is too funny - way more so than what they are watching.

Games to finish out the night.  Masterminds at work, trying to outsmart the others and still keep the game going.  It's a great end to a fun day.  Some rest and we're out and about again tomorrow.

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