Saturday, April 14, 2018

Red Hatter's in Wylie

After missing last month while I was at retreat, I am excited and ready for a Red Hat Day with the ladies.  Today we are off to Wylie, TX and the Ballard Cafe.

For some reason, I am running late once again.  What is up with me?  I was dressed over an hour and a half ahead of time.  Talking with my sweetie let time run away from me once again.  I really need to set a timer next month.

At any rate, I am here and ready to relax and have some lunch.  Are you hungry?  I sure am.  The table is full but a few openings still exist and I grab one.  Sitting down, I take a deep breath and power down.  Wow.  What a crazy last half hour.  A few quick pictures . . .

Thank you, Queen Cynthia, for a couple of these pics.

Don't you just love seeing heartfelt smiles like that of our Queen Cynthia?  It's a joy to see.

Now, I take a moment to peek around the room.

This place is very fun.  It's like stepping back in time a bit and even the special menu reminds us of a time now distant.

Above the room are "lofts" filled with wonder.

The centerpiece of the table catches my eye and smiles soon appear.  Isn't she just grand?  Oooooh.

After our meal, our hostesses, Fayrene and Pat have prepared a game for us.  We all receive a paper and pencil before we can turn them over.  Oh my, it IS a test.  As I flip my paper over, a crossword appears and I'm pretty excited with it. 

With a theme of "April", the squares fill in pretty quick.  Once stumped, I search to find my mistake and after asking one question, determine my error and fix it.  That's all the time I have though and I can't even fill in the one I asked about.  We'll see how it goes.

With a score of 24, Queen Cynthia and I tie for the lead and each receive a wonderful gift bag.  Hers contains a new hat and sunglasses -- how fun and I have this treasure trove for myself.  With a limited supply of red hat items, I am thrilled to add to the collection.  Woot woot.

AND . . . . . lest not we forget ------ the gift bag for the person with the fewest correct answers goes to Janie.  I can't wait to see how our "traveling underpants" make their way to the next person. 

Now to kazoo Happy Birthday to the Red Hat Society itself.  Perfect and my first time using my new kazoo.  When we finish, the ENTIRE cafe applauds.  Take a bow. ladies.

A HUGE thank you to Fayrene and Pat for a wonderful time today.  You went all out and I had a great time as did many others.  From the place to the decorations to the games/gifts and ending with a wonderful dessert.  Well done.

It's time to pay and as I'm standing in line, a lovely lady is full of questions about our group.  I answer as many as I can and just as I start to flounder, our Queen steps in with a card and some information.  Yes.

All right, reluctantly, it is time to depart.  A few of us gather together out front for a picture and we are fortunate that a kind gentleman offers to hold the camera for us. 

Perfect ending to a wonderful event.  See ya'll next month.

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