Saturday, January 26, 2019

2019 Red Hat Season Begins

I have had a super busy week but am back home in time for Red Hat fun.  Our 2019 season begins today with a fun birthday party hosted by Jenn.

Welcome to January.  Mister and I are on our way to Richardson and Jeng Chi to meet up with the ladies.  He drops me off out front and I feel as though I really am in a little Chinatown.  It's wonderful.

 In I go and discover that I am the first to arrive other than Jenn, our lovely hostess.  She has put out the cutest decor for the tables and is dressed to delight.  Happy Birthday pretty lady.

We get a chance to visit a bit before others arrive and I meet her roommate, Keith, who is employed here, and assures me that the food is divine.  I'm a gonna trust  him.  The room soon begins to fill as the rest of the ladies arrive.

While they find their seats, I try and get a few more pictures of our wonderful surroundings.  This corner is just divine and you can tell in the backdrop of other shots that the entire room is elaborately adorned.

Gathering and getting settled --- musical chairs and howdy's to each other.

The whole birthday thing?  Well, 45 is the magical number.

Once everyone is settle into their spots, a few pictures can be taken.  Table 1 all at once --- Hooyah.

Spycee and Miss Etta

Gorgeous Queen Cynthia

Parts of table 2

I think my favorite part of these gatherings is watching everyone reconnect.  I've said it before and I'll likely say it again as it is true.  Catching up on what's happened in the last month is so vital to friends and is the glue that holds everyone tightly.

Queen Cynthia is out taking pictures too (the table 2 one above is from her as is this next one of Fonda and I.)

Lovely ladies --- compliments of Cynthia.  We opted to take the group picture right away this time while we are waiting for our meals.

I also had my camera up and 30 pictures were taken on it.  This is the best one.  Too funny.  I'm not sure just what Arlene and Cher are up to but if you could see the 30 pictures in rapid motion, it's just too funny.

Our food has arrived and Jeng Chi is known for their dumplings, so that is what I ordered.  Oh yum.  Steamed chicken dumplings and the dipping sauce is phenomenal.  So, so good.

Keith brings Jenn a wonderful birthday treat and the kazoos are brought out to perform Happy Birthday as only Red Hatters can do.  It's been and great gathering and is ending in a unique was as well.  Bobbi is taking a step back from the organization and is downsizing her "stuff."  As we leave the restaurant, a pop-up parking lot/van sale takes place and how fun is this?  It's wonderful for those of us who are just starting out and have very little.  I am just tickled pink.

What fun!  The outfit, hat and necklaces were bought.  The rest came from the free boxes and I could not be happier.  Thank you so much Bobbi --- these will definitely be put to good use.

And that makes this event a wrap.  See y'all in February at Rockfish and I can't wait to see what types of Valentine Hat's everyone comes up with.  I'm pretty sure I'll just be an onlooker.

Til then -- party on ladies.

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