Saturday, January 26, 2019

Brewery Hopping in Dallas

It's been a busy morning.  I had Red Hats, Mister went to help his mother, and then returned to pick me up.  Some lunch at home and a clothes change for me and guess what????  We are going out to do some brewery hopping.  There are so many popping up all the time and we are way behind the times here in Dallas.  It's time to remedy that.

First stop is Pegasus Brewing.  It's turning out to be a beautiful day, making the patio come alive with families and friends enjoying the sunshine and a beer or two.

A peek inside the brewery -

My favorite part is the "Tiny Tap" bar at the front.  Being manned by Chris Cole, from jolly old England, it is bustling and full of life.  We grab a couple stools and settle in.

I've selected the Sixth Floor, Easy Porter and Mister is having the Texikaner Black Lager.  I gotta tell you, the porter is dang good and I would certainly give it another go.  Do you see the Dear Ol' Dad on the board below?  That is for next time.  What a screaming deal.

Right on the bar beside me, I notice this cute lamp.  Well, dang.  The white spot comes out at me like crazy and I realize that the Sixth Floor logo is on the lamp too.  Perfect.

Since we are hopping, it's one and done.  Around the block a time or two and we are at Noble Rey. 

For some reason my camera went into hiding inside and it really shouldn't have as this place is dang funky.  A complete opposite from Pegasus.  Fun and PACKED!!  I settle on Yub Nub, an Imperial Stout and for the life of me can't remember what Mister ordered.  That's what I get for taking blurry pictures of a projected menu.  Not a smart girl.  It is what it is. 

Now what.  With one and done again, we are on the move and know that nearby is Peticolas and we haven't stopped in there for awhile.  I'm ready for some of Mike's magic.  Standing Ovation is what Mister orders for me and Great Scot for himself.  They are waiting for me to return from the food truck outside where I have purchased some wings for myself and chicken strips for my sweetie.  Yep, gotta eat if we continue to play.

Mister has located a spot at the open bar, which looks out to the west.  That means a view of the sunset as we enjoy our wonderfully healthy food and drink.

Yes, I'm eating and, yes, I have proof.  What a fun time with my love --- we need to do this more often.  We left home at 11 a.m.  It's almost 7:30 by the time we are back home.  Bed time - well at least to read and relax.

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