Saturday, June 1, 2019

Red Hatter's at North Haven Gardens

When I joined the Dallas Re-Gals two years ago, MY GOODNESS has it been two years already?, I knew that each member takes a turn hosting an event.  My time has come.  So, I put on my thinking hat - red, of course - and set to coming up with an idea.

My sweet, enabling hubby knew that I wanted to do something in addition to lunch and was always on the lookout for ideas.  One morning, we were at North Haven Gardens enjoying brunch and the new plants.  He glanced around the room and mentioned that he though this would be a nice lunch venue.  Hmmmn - it DID have possibilities.  When our meal was complete, we walked into the gallery to look around and met Dana Wilson.  I mentioned Red Hats and her eyes lit up.  She handles events and had a great plan.  A catered lunch, a speaker (herself), and a workshop -- all for a great price.  I was hooked.  We selected a date and were off --- a few snags along the way with dates, but the day is here and we are ready.

Ooops, getting ahead of myself a bit.  Being the planner, I had a bit of "stuff" to do.  A LONG time ago I bought a door prize knowing I would someday host and now had to locate where that had been stashed.  Success.  I ordered gloves so no one would get their hands dirty - no one wants their nails ruined while out to lunch.  Then aprons.  After I ordered them, I discovered that the ladies had some a few years ago, but no worries, they can have another.  I enlisted a friend to embroider them in exchange for another event and I was still months away.  Awesome. 

Fast forward to yesterday.  I had picked up some artificial flowers, a basket, and little terra cotta plants to use for decor.  A few hours, okay more than a few, found me with this wreath to surround the base of my basket.  It will hold the gloves.

What do you think?  It's kinda cute, right?  All the gloves are tied in pairs with a ribbon.  Yep, efficient -- I don't want to be hunting right and lefts.

I took the terra cotta plants and added some absolutely horrid dried moss.  It truly looks like it's on it's last legs but I'm out of time now.  It is what it is.  Dove chocolate on top makes it all better.  They can use the pot at home for something pretty.  Balloons, decorations, aprons, gloves, wrapped door prize, clothes, and my notebook which tells me all the details I need.  I'm ready for tomorrow.

And, we're back to today.  Last night I received a phone call from my daughter who is arriving today with her girls and the time she gave me for her flight is off by 5 hours.  Yep.  She had said months ago that she was arriving at 3:30 and this event would be a finished item by then.  Now she's arriving at 10:30 and I'm going to be setting up.  Drat it all.  Please let me stay focused and be a good hostess to my Red Hat sisters.

Dana has us in a room connected to the Gallery and it's all set up for me.  I'm ready to add my touches.

All the supplies for the workshop are set up and ready to go.  We are going to do little succulent pots and I'm looking forward to it as this is an all new area of plants for me.

North Haven has made us feel welcome with signs on doors, tables, and walkway.

Dana comes in to sign the final papers and spots my balloons.  Asking if she can use them out front, off she goes to help mark our location a little bit more.  It's all perfect  and I could not have asked for a better welcome.  Thank you North Haven and Dana.

Once I'm ready, I select a spot on the patio and wait for the ladies to start drifting in. 

By our start time, everyone has arrived and enjoyed visiting on the patio.  It's time to head into our event.  Are you ladies ready?  Follow me through the Gallery doors.

Cynthia takes a picture of me, everyone finds a seat, and we're off.

Welcoming everyone and sharing the plan for the day is next.  I'm super excited AND a little distracted (yep, I share it so no one thinks I'm rude).  It's time to gather up your lunch.  Do you remember what you ordered?

Out comes the book with my chicken scratch notes in it.  I love how they are trying to make sense of it.  Off to the rescue I go.

During our lunch, Dana is presenting a workshop on container gardening.  I cannot believe how much I learn.  Lots of questions are asked and answered, which is fantastic.

When I first set this up, the option to just come for lunch was available and we have one lady who took that choice.  As a result, it's time for the door prize.  Drumroll please. . . . . 

The winner is Pam and she has a Fiber Optic Red Hat Lady that can either sit on the table or be a tree topper.  Congratulations.

Out to the gardens for a group picture since Dana is on hand to help.

I have come to love these ladies as I get to know them better.  Thank you so much for supporting me in my first endeavor with you.  Back row:  Fonda, me, Arlene, Jackie, Estella, Jenn, Pat  Front row:  Queen Cynthia, Fayrene, Pamela.

Back in the room, it's BIRTHDAY time for Estella.  She is amazing and I simply stand in awe of her. 

No one leaves!!  Yes!  I had an extra spot that I paid for so that we could have the minimum required to make the workshop happen and I happily share that.  Woohoo.  It's workshop time.

Get those gloves on and get ready to plant.

We are all given a container with soil and 3 plants (4 if the larger container was purchased).  Dana teaches us each step along the way -

Everyone is focused!

Rocks to embellish with --- various sizes.

As the pots are finished (some with bling, some with ribbons, etc.) I walk around the room for double shots.  Pam and Jackie

Arlene and Jenn

Fonda and Estella

Pat and Fayrene

Queen Cynthia's and my results:

And us.  It's been a fun time.  Smiles all around and as much as I hate to be the first to leave.  I have granddaughters and a daughter to go and hug.  Until next time ladies.  Love ya lots.

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