Monday, June 3, 2019

Rhiana, Elena, Malea Come to Visit - Days 1&2 - Dallas Zoo

With all that went on last year, we skipped "Gammy Camp" for a summer and so it's been two years since most of the grands have come to play for a bit.  I'm super excited for it to begin and we're getting it started with my girls from Montana.  Due to scheduling, my daughter, Rhiana, is coming for the visit too.  Life is good.

1st - There was a miscommunication over arrival time and I am hosting a Red Hat event this morning while the plane is landing.  (LINK)  Fortunately, my sweet Mister is able to pick up and while I finish up, they are off to get lunch  at Whole Foods

and then a stop for pedicures/manicures.  What a great start.

Rhiana decides to stay a bit longer at the salon, so we are off to the house with the girls.  I love how they immediately start unloading the cabinet with wooden dishes to play with.   Even though Malea says, "I don't remember," quite often, she is right on track with this project.

Pretend cooking rapidly becomes dangerous work.

And, attention spans being what they are, soon the marble game is also out.  That memory thing is so funny --- apparently the toy closet's location stayed at the forefront.

A little creative time outside.  It seems like a good idea, right?

We have a ton of fun, but so do the mosquitoes and apparently Malea is rather tasty.  I love how great they are at drawing.  I have a wacko sun, the blue mushroom, and the flower.  No, the turtle is not mine.

A few errands are required and it works out that an early travel day has taken it's toll on little girls.   All is good -- the tasks are accomplished and a decision for dinner is in the works.

Tony's Pizza and Pasta fits the bill tonight.  It's close to the house and low maintenance.  Perfect.

Community meals.  Eat some and pass it around.

A lovely afternoon storm gives the girls a chance to play.  It appears that all of my grandchildren think this is great fun and I'm a pretty easy going Gammy.  Get wet -- we have showers inside.

We watch as they go from just running in the rain to doing cartwheels.

To playing in the river running down the gutter.  Yep, horrid water.  They wash.

Pretend swimming -

Finally, I brave the rain for an up close picture.  They have had such a great time and I hate to bring it to an end, but showers and bed are up next.  Come on girls.

2nd - After a good night's sleep, plans are being made for the day.  Grandpa has to work so the girls are hitting the town.  After yoga.  Rhiana's back is really bothering her today.  Drat.

The Dallas Zoo is where we have set our sights.  A lesson on bamboo is taking place here.  Once a teacher, always a teacher.

The dinosaurs are back.

It's Rhiana's first trip to the zoo and she is just all smiles as we go along.

I discover that the cheetahs have been moved to the habitat that the mandrills previously occupied.

And my daughter finds her 'fav' - penguins.

I didn't even know she loved these so much.

We are making a beeline to the hippos in the hopes of seeing the new baby for the first time, but they are already in the water and this is all we get.  Dang it anyway.

The girls watching the meercats.

Oh the memories.  This is almost a recreation of a picture from years ago.  Somehow Malea and this one just relate to each other and they've both grown at about the same rate.

Into the aviary --- shhhhh

And some non-bird interest - a log covered with creepy crawlies.

Back to the birds

Do you see what they see?

No baby gorillas to be found today either.  We are really striking out.

Hands on with a boa

Heading towards the savanna, I have my fingers crossed for some fun.

This giraffe makes Rhiana smile and we haven't even gotten as close as we can yet.

Watching the savanna --

through strange little telescopes

Hello Princess -

Now for some fun with the giraffes -

Look at that tongue, hahahaha, love it.

Okay this series is pretty cool --- just watch Rhiana's face.

Priceless, right?

We saw the Princess earlier ---hello King.

Elephant shots --- always a requirement, no matter the age.

Another stop at the penguins and . . . how big are they?

As we head over to Zoo North --- Malea encounters a dinosaur that she really isn't sure of at all.

I see an egg!!!!  Oooooh --- gotta keep an eye on this.

Lunchtime.  I'm hungry whether anyone else is or not.

Scenes from around Zoo North - real and animated

Malea finds a hands on activity, learns a thing or two during the dig, and walks away with some trading cards to keep.

How did I miss this one while walking around?

The tortoise feeding is open today.  This is a first, even for Grandpa and I.

LOL --- I LOVE IT!!.


I think we're just about done today.  The temps are rising and we've done a great job here.  Malea --- yes, you are a butterfly.

It does seem like a great spot for a picture -- come on everyone.

 The only place I still want to go is the Children's Area.  As soon as we walk in, the girls are ready to play for a bit.

Silly Malea

That just leaves Bird Landing.  I want to feed the birds and think the girls will love it too.  Well, as we walk in, Malea is bombarded and that is the end of the fun time for her.

Rhiana works with her for quire awhile and she finally gets brave enough to give it a go.  Well, maybe not quite yet.

Let's try again.  Bribes have taken place.


Stuffies all around --- sloth and hippo.

And a couple of group shots --- memories made once again.  It's time to go --- still more plans for today in the works.

Jen and Louis have arrived while we are driving home and are ready to play and visit with Rhiana and the girls.

Rhiana's back is really getting worse and we are now attempting a home massage mechanism.  It'll beat it out of her.  Meanwhile, Grandpa is being groomed.

Dinner time and since Jen is in town -- we are off to Cane Rosso.  Italian last night, Italian tonight.  It's all good.


Ahhhh, my heart.

Up to the bar --- best seats in the house, if you don't all want to talk.

Pigs are made for sitting on --- yes?

Sending Jen and Louis on their way back to Abilene, we stop next door for a quick beer and the girls have time to play with Grandpa.  That's it --- this day is a wrap.

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