Monday, June 24, 2019

Jon's Here!! Fast and Furious Time Together

21st - The exchange has been made and Jon is in the car.  We are heading back into Dallas right smack dab in the middle of 5 o'clock traffic.  Yay!!!  The normal 1 1/2 trip takes a little over 2 hours and we are ready for some dinner.  Grandpa is all into Jon's idea of Thai and soon we are seated and enjoying the delicious treats from Thai Opal.

After dinner, some time at the mall upon request.  A good walk will do me wonders after being in the car all day.  New sculptures always are worth a stop and view.

As are the most vibrant orchids I've seen in a long time.  Wow.  Yep, they're real.

These two can't stay away from this store - hahahaha  -- tech nerds unite.

As we pass the All Saints Store, I comment that they should have sewing machines in the window and just as the words come out of my mouth, I spot these two lovelies just inside the door.   SOOOOOO cool.  I THINK they are old boot machines.

My sweetheart has been waiting for Jon as he has a new game he wants to try out.  They put their heads together on GO, but I don't think it all clicked.  The truly funny part is that it is an Asian game and the instructions clearly state that Westerners don't really get it.  It holds true for these two.

22nd - Jon asks if Grandpa is off today and when he is told, yes, his first question is, "Can we go to the coffee shop?"  Of course.  I am just not wanting to walk today.  Off they go and I follow in the car.  Naturally, I get there first and snag a table while waiting.

What to do, what to do?  While enjoying our breakfast, the decision is made to go up to Frisco (see, isn't it good we have the car?) and check out the National Video Game Museum.  I have only just heard about it and am hoping for good stuff.

Very cool opening display.

Just inside the door, a picture for Hyrum --- he is our family Mario freak. 

Since this museum studies the history of video games, it starts at the very beginning with Pong.  Do you remember this one?  Yours was probably not quite this large though.

Do these look more familiar?

From the beginning to a fun timeline

There are lots of hands on opportunities

This one really intrigued me and if we come back here, I really want to give it a whirl.  It is an actual typing game to stay alive.  I've noticed a lot of keyboarding skills are sliding with all the "swiping" that goes on now.  Every nook and cranny has something to pique his interest.

And then things changed drastically --- home computers took over.

Oooh, basic programming memory tanks being tapped.  A game where you can't see, but have to type in the commands.  Apparently not new to my love.

They both rounded the corner and smiled at this one.

And this room just cracked me up.  Did you live here?  WOW ---- so many memories.

I've found something to play with and am not giving it up.  TETRIS!!!  Oh the hours I used to spend playing this and, yes, it is on my phone, but it's not the same.  I used to play until my thumbs hurt and I remember one of my son's friends coming over and saying to him, "Your mom plays games??  That is so cool."  Yep, I was THAT mom.

The place is complete with a cool arcade and everything we did was included in our admission.  This is not cheesy --- it's very well done and we've had a great time.

This building also holds The Museum of the American Railroad's TrainTopia, which we will come back to see.  They have a tour of life sized cars and many other fun model trains inside.

Just before leaving, The Whisper Dish was fun and reminded us both of a little trick that was shared with us while in the Capitol Building in D.C. a few years ago.  Very cool.

Lunch ---- Frisco is a new area for us to explore and there must be something cool nearby.  A quick Google search shows Mediterranean and Jon is always up to try something new.

It is a family run restaurant and the owners have a history from Syria.  I cannot tell you how good this was but I do know that we all said it was worth the drive up here, just for the lunch.  Yes, it's that good and authentic.

It was sheer joy to watch Jon's face light up with each new flavor and item.  We all had filled our bellies and left the plates clean by the time we finished up.

Right next door is an antique mall and we pop in for a quick run through.  Again, new to Jon and we just said -- GO.  Find what interests you.  I quickly went up and down the booths scanning for elusive "must have" items, but nothing goes home with me today.  Oh, the memories of this item.  I can remember doing macrame to earn money while living in Colorado.  That seems like eons ago.

After dropping me at home, Jon and Grandpa make the trek over to Fry's.  I'm a definite no-go on that store.  It sucks them in and we never get to leave.  They stop at the grocery store on the way home and work together in the kitchen to create our lovely salmon, rice, and broccoli dinner.  Gelato for dessert.  Perfect.

After last night's dismal failure with GO, they are trying a new one tonight.  It is called PENTE and apparently Westerners are able to grasp it.  For me, it looks just like the game they attempted last night.

By 11 I am done in.  Jon, however, is not.  Leaving him with a tub of LEGOs, we are calling it a night.

23rd  - Another request is being met today.  We are off to the Aquarium and usually we don't have the older kids request this.  It's kinda nice.

The Moray Eel is saying howdy to us.  So cool to watch.

Look at the colors on this fish ---- wow.

The stingrays are always the highlight of a visit here and we are heading straight there.

Feeding can be challenging and Jon is strategizing.

They are just such fun.  I could spend hours here each day.

Out to the lagoon for a walk.  TURTLES!!  And Cypress knees.

The sculpture is supposed to be a prehistoric plant. 

From the Aquarium to Cafe Brazil for lunch to the Dallas Museum of Art only to discover that what Jon was looking for was not quite happening today.  Drat.  We do walk around the permanent collection and I have a separate post for what we saw.  Click on this DMA post if you are interested.

Pssst -- he smoked me in this memory game.

Moments around the museum.

We then go down to the Bishop Cidercade to see what it's all about but it is totally packed.  WOW.  We opt to return home and naps ensue. LONG naps.  By the time I'm awake, Mister is grilling chicken outside and handling it all himself quite nicely.  I help out with some asparagus and after a late dinner, we are ready to sleep some more.  Tomorrow is a work day for Grandpa and I'm happy to rest as well.

24th   - That whole rest thing?  It goes a LONG time.  I think Jon surfaces around noon.  We are making Pear-Mascarpone French Toast for brunch and I have included the link to the Recipe POST for you.  It's just so dang good.

Now we have to pack up as I have to return him today.  He starts his new job tomorrow and everything changes.  Graduation, job, college.  I so hope I still get a few moments with him now and then, but I'll hold tight to these memories just in case.  At any rate, I haven't turned him over yet and we have a bit more time.

Leaving the house a wee bit early lets us stop at the Water Gardens and he doesn't really remember these as it has been quite a few years since he was along on one of our stops here. 

Ahhhh, my heart.

And that's a wrap.  Fast and furious days --- but we packed it in.  Love ya Grandson.

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