Saturday, August 10, 2019

Red Hats at Rockfish

Can you believe it is August already?  Wow --- The summer has flown by and it's time for another Red Hat event.

My life is a bit on the crazy side today, but I really am looking forward to the time I get to spend with my Red Hat Ladies.  Each month I feel as though I get to know them a little better, making the whole thing more and more comfortable.  I am racing from event to event today and by the time I get to Rockfish Grill, I really just want to sit down and take a deep breath. Whew.

So, that's exactly what I do.  Grab a seat and just watch the others visit.

Sophie is our Queen for the Day and she has a wonderful plan.  We were each instructed to bring a recycled coffee mug - either from home or Goodwill, etc.  As we arrived, they were placed on a table nearby and we are all eagerly awaiting her plans for them.  She doesn't keep us waiting too terribly long --- just until after we have all ordered our meals.

Some great flash cards come out to play and everyone selects one from the deck.

I have no idea how this works because some of us have the same numbers.  I'm watching closely because new games for retreat are always fun to have on hand.

I have the number 10 and it is brought to us by Big Bird, apparently.  Do you remember the old Sesame Street?  I can even hear the songs in my head.

While waiting for our food to arrive, the game commences and Sophie chooses number arbitrarily.  How fun is this?  Each person goes up to select a bag as she calls their numbers.

What fun it is to see all the different cups.  If I'd truly been on the ball I would have gotten everyone together for a picture, but --- I'm just not on my A game today.  This month our birthday girls are Jean and Janie.

Thanks to Cynthia -- I can prove I was here and with the lovely Estella.

Gather round everyone --- everyone looks so lovely.

Our wonderful queen ---

And as we are packing up to leave -- I look back into the room and a square dance has broken out.  Oh ladies --- I do enjoy y'all so very much.

Thank you to Sophie for a wonderful time and believe it or not, my cup did not make it home with me.  Drat.  I think it was left on the floor under the table where I was sitting for lunch.  I told you I wasn't on top of things today.  Oh well --- onto the rest of the day.  I won't have a chance to be with these ladies until November.  Until then --- have fun ladies.

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