Saturday, August 27, 2022

August Red Hat Luncheon

 My schedule allowed me another opportunity to enjoy the company of the Red Hat ladies.  These moments are hard to come by so I treasure them when they take place.  Today, we are off to the Outback in Addison.  Mister is dropping me off so we can explore someplace else this afternoon, so he'll be around to take the group picture at the end.  It's a plan.  

My arrival is met with some shock --- partly because it's rare that I get to attend and partly because I didn't decide until the last minute.  However, it's great to be here.

While people are working through the menu, I try and snap a pic down the table.

Jean, our Queen for the Day has put together a lovely table with fun accessories.  Love it all!!!

Cynthia comes around and takes pics of each person --- here's yours truly.

Our wonderful waitress also helps out with some pictures.

Two birthdays are being celebrated this month --- Sharon and Jean - Happy Birthday!

Speaking of Sharon --- her hat looks like a halo in this light --- seems right as she's an angel.

All the gang --- thanks for a great luncheon and I'll see y'all next month.

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