Saturday, October 27, 2018

Halloween, Red-Hatters, and Babes Chicken Dinner House

Boo!  Are ya scared? Ah come on now, let me have just a wee bit of fun, won't you?

It's red and purple time again.  I have been away so much lately that it almost feels like I'm the newbie once more, but in reality I'm over a year old.  Crazy.

It's Halloween Season and that means the annual trek to Babes for the Big D Re-Gal Red Hatters.  I finally get to use the costume I bought for the June Sock Hop and then had to miss.  I have used it once for a costume at Brazos, but today it finally is fulfilling it's ultimate purpose in life.  RED HATS!!!   Oooooooh.

Okay, okay.  It's a day with sunshine and not dark and dreary, cob-web infested.  At any rate, I am dressed and ready to go.  TA-DA

Mister wooshes me out the door saying, "You're gonna have to sit at the kiddie table if you don't get going."  He's right.  Zoom, zoom, zoom.  Down the road I go and arrive in time to take some pictures of the costumes around me.   Such creativity.  Frankie, Vickie, and Sohair

I have to hand it to Vickie --- she's one hot biker dude.  Hahahahaha

Anna and Frankie

Fayrene and Pat

Miss Etta - dang missed the smile once again.

Queen Cynthia - our bride

Yep, me and so pleased with this picture.  Thank you, Cynthia, for sharing.  I feel like it's been such a long road to a decent smile.

Jean and another of Cynthia

Cynthia and Sharon (and Sharon's favorite pet dog)

Estella and Arlene

Miss Paula

Kathleen, her daughter Tami, and Sohair

June and Estella

Pamela and Jean (Spycee)

Rick from Babe's sharing in our fun.  He is ALWAYS on the premises when Mister and I visit and we always have a delightful chat.  Today he is adding to our festivities.

Scenes from the table.

It's time to eat and I'm starving.  Ohhh, this just looks so dang yummy.

As we are finishing up, it's time to do the Hokey Pokey and in between dancing a few steps, I try and grab a few pictures too.

Fun, fun, fun times.  These women are loving life and what could be better.  A huge thank you to Rick, who just made everything perfect.

Cynthia, did you find your groom?

Best line of the day came from Kathleen, who leaned over and asked who the gentleman at the end of the table was because he had barely moved the entire time.  Oh my goodness, laughter ensued all around the table.

It's birthday time.  Happy Birthday to Cynthia and Paula.

Group Picture time and with the sunshine, we are going outside today.  What a beautiful day and what a simply beautiful group of women I am blessed to associate with.

Well, that's it.  I'll just leave you with one final image and proof that I did, indeed, dance.  I will have to miss the gathering in November as I just don't think I can drive fast enough back from Houston that day, but I'll see them all in December.  Until then --- Red Hatters, stay cool.

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