Saturday, June 12, 2021

Out and About - McKinney, TX

 I had a Red Hat event this morning so Mister and I are doing some wandering for the afternoon.  McKinney seems to be a great destination and there is a brewery we have not yet been to.  I know --- hard to believe, right?

Tupps brewery!  What a fun and lively place.  So many beer options makes it hard to choose sometimes.

Red Hats After a Year Break


It's been over a year since I was able to attend a Red Hat event.  Partially due to the pandemic, but also due to scheduling.  However, the stars aligned today and I've dug out the proper attire.  Mister has dropped me off and the fun is about to begin.  As usual, I do so enjoy watching the exchanges that go on as friends see one another after a gap in time.  It warms the heart.  Queen Cynthia is sharing the birthday certificate with all as we missed the May meetings.  This is a birthday celebration for ALL.

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Member Evening at the Arboretum

 Mister has once again snagged tickets to an evening at the Arboretum.  The temperature is decent and a walk will do us both some good.  As we arrive, I notice that the statues I had been expecting have arrived.  ZimSculpt is all throughout the gardens, however, I will only show a few.  Y'all need to go and see them yourselves.

Saturday, May 29, 2021

Brewery Hop Home from Abilene

 Traveling back home to Dallas on a Saturday is unusual for us.  It's normal to be on Sunday and few opportunities to stop are available, however, today is a bit different.  A quick search shows a brewery fairly close to the interstate and it's a new one to us so that's a bonus.  The town itself is new to me - Baird, TX.  Downtown is a quiet street with  an old railroad depot functioning as a museum at one end.

Jacob Graduation

 Another grandson is hitting the "High School Graduation" milestone.  These years just seem to by flying by at an ever-increasing speed. The rational me knows that is not actually happening, but it sure feels like it.  At any rate, the after-work, made dash to Abilene is under way and we arrive at the center with only moments before it is time to go in.  That gives us time for a few pics.  Yep, crazy hair alert going on here.

Saturday, May 22, 2021

Spring at White Rock Lake

 Out of the house.  That is the plan.  Thinking about the lake area where the pelicans hang out has us with that destination in our sights.  It's an overcast, kinda wet day and absolutely beautiful at the lake, BUT - very few birds to see.  Maybe it's a time of year thing.  We're not sure.  There are some ducks and geese on land so all it not a total loss.

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Birthday Season Fun (and Zoo time too)

 May has arrived and "Birthday Season" came along too.  Well, a shortened one at least.  I am leaving town on the 6th so, it's a grab while we can thing.  

Today is breakfast at Communion Cafe and we are treated to cartoons this beautiful Saturday morning.  Real cartoons.  The kind this old woman remembers.