Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Birthday Season Fun (and Zoo time too)

 May has arrived and "Birthday Season" came along too.  Well, a shortened one at least.  I am leaving town on the 6th so, it's a grab while we can thing.  

Today is breakfast at Communion Cafe and we are treated to cartoons this beautiful Saturday morning.  Real cartoons.  The kind this old woman remembers.

From there -- voting.  Yep, still need to keep the civil duty going.  

On the way home, I spot a sign for an estate sale and we decide to check it out.  Mister parks the car while I check things out and as I emerge from one of the back rooms (not finding a thing), he is thoroughly checking out this table.

The next thing I know, we have bought it and are taking bits and pieces home in the car one trip at a time.  Fortunately, we only live a few blocks away.

The end result is a house full of furniture.

With extra leaves (yep I had to look up if that was the correct way to spell the word) - same as trees, who would have thunk it?

A birthday balloon!!!

Dallas Zoo Visit - Elephants, random wood mushrooms, and Painted Africa Dogs in the lions space.  It's a treat for them.

And they appear to be enjoying their time.

Peeking in on the giraffes - 

Mister and I spotted this tree and remembered that some friends had asked about the crazy thorny branch we have at home in a vase.  THIS is where it comes from.

No kiddos to play on the elephants with --- just me and 63.

One quick run over to the hippos has me watching bees too.

Lemur Lounging at it's best.  Cuddling always improves things.

No, this isn't just a zoo post, but it was part of "my" time wishes.

Hello Giant Anteater - 

A Dancing Cockatoo --- he's a charmer. 

We FINALLY remember to bring the multitude of feed sticks we bought and then couldn't use.  Today -- the birds are happy.

Feed with one hand and photograph with the other -- not the best, but it'll do.

Time to go --- a stop at Farmer's Market to peek around and we are enlightened to learn of a distillery near Granbury.  Road trip ahead.  Oh, they do coffee too.  Lunch at the FM as we have found a Mediterranean place and I'm craving the food.

Called, "Laili", it is INCREDIBLE.  Such a great choice for today.

Back at the house --- the yard is coming together under Mister's work.  Just his -- I haven't done a thing.  Oh, and a little help from Mother Nature.

Blackberries and peaches!!! 

Some porch sitting while we wait for the "massive storm" to hit.  (It didn't.)

Flowers arrive from my love - how unique and special.  I LOVE them and they will go to retreat with me this week.

Dinner out.  Guitars and Growlers is always wonderful and tonight is spot on.

The beer is good, the food is awesome, and tonight is Star Wars Trivia night.  Now, I know next to nothing about as I never watched anything after the original one or two movies.  Therefore, this is likely a bomb, but it doesn't cost anything to play so might as well have a little fun while we are here.  Get ready, get set, go.  It's loaded on the phone and now we shall discover how good or bad of guessers we are.

Video phone calls from littles are the BEST.  Their sweet voices singing to me just make my heart swell.

Treats from my sweetie.  

From Rhiana --- Soooooo cool.

Amanda, Matt, and Cassie

UPDATE after retreat - 

Flowers from Jen - 

More treats --- From Lydia, Kelly and Gwen

All in all --- I guess I'll embrace 63 -- share the treasure trove and love those around me.  Onto 64.

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