Sunday, February 9, 2020

Manhattan Project Visit

I've been gone for the better part of 2 weeks and my sweetie has stayed near to the house.  It's just what he does.  So, after I arrived home today, I asked if he wanted out a bit before the work week starts again.  He read that Manhattan Project is having their food grand opening this weekend and we love their beer.  We were there once before when it was basically a large warehouse.  You can read about our first visit and their vision in this Previous POST.

Today, the place is gorgeous.  EXACTLY like the artist rendition of what they wanted it to be.  Taking up a spot at the end of the bar, we meat Juan, who is bursting with information and we soak it up like sponges.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Utah - Days 7 & 8 - Playing at Home and Travel Back to TX

It is so crazy cold out that school has been cancelled completely - even the college.  They expected more snow, but it kept itself north of us and hit Salt Lake pretty good.  Here's hoping my flight tomorrow will be okay.  Until then, it's just a play day at the house.  Roads aren't great to go anywhere and it gives these littles another day to recover from their cold.  At this point, I'm well and keeping my fingers crossed that I stay that way.  I don't think I've washed my hands this much in years.  Honest.  Lots of reading and just relaxing going on today.  I'm loving the calm of it all.  At least at this point - everyone is doing their thing and enjoying life.

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Utah - Day 6 - Mairead's Blessing

It is a beautiful Sunday morning in the Salt Lake Valley.  The skies are blue, it's not quite as cold, and we have a blessing taking place.  Everyone is up and dressed bright and early and while the last minute items are being attended to, I grab the girls for a couple of quick picks.  Where are they looking?  Oh, a show that is just more fun than smiling for Gammy.

If I stand in front of the television, perhaps it will work?

I tried for selfies with them both, but Ava opted out rather dramatically.  O it is.

Now to dress Mairead and then we are ready to go.  I take that chore on with glee and grab the camera.  Hey there pretty girl.  Without bow.

With bow.  Cassie did such a beautiful job on both the dress and bow.  Right?

Hey Momma, look here real quick.  Fifty per cent isn't terrible is it?

JP --- will you do a selfie with me?  WOOHOO!!!!!

Out the door we go and walk the two blocks to church.  Settling in, I have Mairead and JP is busily munching next to me.  Are those bubbles?

The blessing goes so well and not a peep out of our star of the day.  Perfect.  She is happily hanging out and on Mom's lap now.

Once home, the race is on to get all the food out for guests and several hours of chatting and playing pass by.  The house gets put back into place and right before naps, I ask if they want a family picture.  Most do.  JP -- not so much.  First one, interesting.

Next one --- nice.  It's a wonderful day here.

Mom and Dad with their precious new one. 

AND, even I managed to have a picture with her.  This part of the day is done and it has been very nice.  Now for some quiet time (I sewed while four slept and Cass and O played Mario Kart) before dinner and baths.  My time here is rapidly coming to an end and a storm is heading our way.  I hope those two don't collide.  O has had school cancelled for tomorrow so we will have one last play day together.  Fun times ahead.

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Utah - Day 5 - Cookie Time

My time here is more than halfway gone and I'm trying to soak up these littles as much as I can.  I watch them as they play and smile at their antics continuously.  A video of their entire day would just crack me up on down days and I wish I had one, but these small reminders will have to make do.  A peek in at Mairead first thing in the morning finds her propped on Mom's bed and just kicking away.  That is until I talk to her and she spots a face.  Now she needs to be picked up.  Well, alrighty then.  I'm not going to refuse.

Cassie needs to run to Costco and the grocery store and since her hubby is home for a bit, I ride along and see the blue sky for the first time since I've been here.  Oh, the mountains are just gorgeous.

Friday, January 31, 2020

Utah - Day 4 Enjoying Life

Friday and we are letting the kids rest a bit again today -- home where it's warm and they are able to feel a bit better.  That means playtime and fun moments.

Ava and I are in the living room playing with monkeys and selfie time happens.  Then she becomes a little monkey too and we have a bit of fun together.  Memory making at it's finest.

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Utah - Days 2 & 3 - Fun at Home/Library Time

29th - It's a white day!!!  And a sick day.  Several of the kids have runny noses and A even has a fever.  Indoors is the name of the game and quiet time plays right into that.  When littles don't feel well, they really just want to sit or cuddle.  We can make that happen.

At breakfast, I notice this poster on the wall and cannot help but smile every single time I see it.  I want to go to her restaurant, don't you?  Ophelia Everything Pancakes.  What a great name for a place.  The only bad side is that I bet there would be so many options that I'd never be able to make up my mind.

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Utah - Day 1 - Travel and Butterflies

My new granddaughter was born in November and I am FINALLY able to go and meet her AND be able to spend some time with my daughter and three more wonderful grands.  I've worked hard all month so that I can deliver some gifts at the same time, leaving me with a satisfied feeling as well.  Today is fly day and I am greeted with rain.  Mister dropped me at the airport a bit early, but all is good and soon I am on my way.  As we near Utah, it looks dang cold out there.  I hope I brought warm enough clothing.