Friday, January 31, 2020

Utah - Day 4 Enjoying Life

Friday and we are letting the kids rest a bit again today -- home where it's warm and they are able to feel a bit better.  That means playtime and fun moments.

Ava and I are in the living room playing with monkeys and selfie time happens.  Then she becomes a little monkey too and we have a bit of fun together.  Memory making at it's finest.

Mom is playing along during a short break from everything else that needs to happen in order to keep this house running.  Baby is lying near me, giving Cassie some free hands and time.

Once O returns from school (she has an early out today), we set to making some sugar cookie dough.  How do four people fit in one little corner of the kitchen -- well, we made it work.

Everyone gets turns doing different things.

Once the dough is made and in the fridge to chill, the rewards for the hard work are received.

TOO cute.

Reading time before naps.

I have an errand to run this afternoon, so that means we get a chance to go and play for a bit at an indoor play area.  They are off the minute we are through the door.  Lots of wiggles are leaving their little bodies.

He's a bit hesitant at first and determined to stay with mom.

But he soon comes around and discovers the slide.

I'm not sure how all three wound up in the same place at the same time, but I got lucky for this picture.  From here, it's back home for dinner and a very early bed for me.  I am not feeling well and crossing my fingers that I'm just overly tired.  Night all.

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