Saturday, January 11, 2020

Strange Weather & A Backyard Visitor

It was 70 degrees out yesterday and today, well, we have snow this morning and the temperatures are dropping quick.  So strange how quickly it can change.

I heard tiny pelts hitting the window earlier and it was some frozen rain, but now we have flakes of snow.  If you look on the table you will see the entire accumulation.  Hahahahahaha

Yep, batten down the hatches.  It's a doosy.

We made the decision to call it a stay home Saturday and set to completing a few chores that needed to be addressed.  While sitting in the den working, I spotted some movement out the back door and was surprised to find a Cooper's Hawk (or two - as I saw another flying above) hanging out in the yard.  At first, he/she lands in the hedges and these are the best pictures I can get.

 But then, as I'm standing there with my camera, a change happens and the chair becomes a perch.

I am able to stand in the doorway taking pictures for awhile and it doesn't seem to bother the hawk in any way.

An attempt is even made for a video --- and then -- flight took place.  What a wonderful chance to watch for a bit even though I know it means our songbirds will be scarce for a few days now.  It is what it is.

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