Sunday, February 9, 2020

Manhattan Project Visit

I've been gone for the better part of 2 weeks and my sweetie has stayed near to the house.  It's just what he does.  So, after I arrived home today, I asked if he wanted out a bit before the work week starts again.  He read that Manhattan Project is having their food grand opening this weekend and we love their beer.  We were there once before when it was basically a large warehouse.  You can read about our first visit and their vision in this Previous POST.

Today, the place is gorgeous.  EXACTLY like the artist rendition of what they wanted it to be.  Taking up a spot at the end of the bar, we meat Juan, who is bursting with information and we soak it up like sponges.

We meet the brewer, Jeremy, and talk with him for a bit as well.  He is working on a new series and we are treated to samples of the two that are in the lines.  They are just sooooo good.

The menu is wonderful and they are adamant about using the actual beer names.  Eccentric, perhaps, but effective.  I remember that I had Plutonium, not just a porter.  (Psst --- it's wonderful.)  The tanks are huge and notice the small, robot looking piece in the front of this picture --- that is the coconut infuser.  That's just how serious they are about this beer.  Wow.

Oh, and the food ---- EXCELLENT.  The Thai Chicken and Fries were both so yummy and a delightful snack.  Go, try, enjoy.

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