Saturday, February 29, 2020

Zoo and Family - A Great Satruday

Good morning!!!!  It's time to get moving.  Mister and Kelly are enjoying the sunshine with coffee and conversation and I'm finishing up some Facebook group posts.  Saturdays mean new steps in our Quilt-A-Longs.  At any rate.  The day is lovely and with Kelly's departure around 8:30, we hopped in the car for a walk at the zoo.  Daffodils are the first greeting we have as we step out of the car.  Lovely, simply lovely.

Mister brought his camera today so you are getting a real treat.  Enjoy these as much as I did and do.  Minimal commentary.

No hippos out and about.  Empty pool.

I took a wider angle of the above picture --- more going on.

See Mister?  What does he see?

This beauty.


My heart.

The grass is greener on the other side, so a rare glimpse of a giraffe just standing in the water.


From the zoo, breakfast at Dallas Diner and then a stop at Home Depot for some supplies for a project I have in mind and Mister needs to make.  I love it when it works like that.  Buy all the stuff and then leave town for 10 days and it will magically make.  Perfect.

We end the day with a belated birthday dinner for my sweetheart with his brother and family.  A thoroughly enjoyable time and a chance to wish Bob well as he makes his move to New York City in just under two weeks.  We can't wait to go and visit him there.  It's been 12 years since we were in New York.  It's time for a trip back to my sweethearts birthplace.  Have a great evening, y'all.  (Oh wait --- one more picture.)

I tried to capture the moon in the trees out back but each time I hit click, a cloud rolled over.  This is the best one of the three tries I made before acknowledging that I don't have the patience to be a wonderful photographer.  Good night for real.

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