Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Utah - Days 7 & 8 - Playing at Home and Travel Back to TX

It is so crazy cold out that school has been cancelled completely - even the college.  They expected more snow, but it kept itself north of us and hit Salt Lake pretty good.  Here's hoping my flight tomorrow will be okay.  Until then, it's just a play day at the house.  Roads aren't great to go anywhere and it gives these littles another day to recover from their cold.  At this point, I'm well and keeping my fingers crossed that I stay that way.  I don't think I've washed my hands this much in years.  Honest.  Lots of reading and just relaxing going on today.  I'm loving the calm of it all.  At least at this point - everyone is doing their thing and enjoying life.

The morning activity is to paint nails!  Even Dad gets into the act by helping trim and clean prior to painting.  Ava is up first and wants one color on the left side of her (fingers and toes) and a different one on the right side.  Away we go.

She does pretty well at sitting still and we are camped out in front of the fireplace with warm air blowing on us.  It is so amazing and I'm warm!  I can't say that often right now for I've been cold since I arrived here.  Aren't these pretty?

Mommy reads while we wait for O to finish up with Daddy.  She looks crazy bored with the whole process.

Then it's her turn to paint and all is right again.

At this point, I get them all some lunch and then nap time strikes.  While Cassie finishes up, I have some wonderful moments with Mairead.

O wants to play a game, so we settle in with Memory and she smokes us both.  Once Mairead is fed, it is my last LONG cuddle session with her.  She'll be so big the next time I see her and won't recognize me at all, BUT JP has done better each day and hopefully I'm making progress there.  Ava and I have finally made friends and I'm loving that.

Cassie and O do schoolwork for a long time and then prepare a tea party once all are awake again.  Pinkies up everyone!  It makes my heart so happy to see that gifts I've taken time to make are truly loved and enjoyed.  These tea sets have been soooo fun and the way they play, it's obvious this isn't their first time.  In fact, it was even JP's second tea party.

 Gotta love how JP dressed for the event.  Complete with his man bag, of course.

Mairead is back asleep again and I have the chance to hold her one last time before dinner.  Then the night rituals take place and I watch an amazing game of Doctor with daddy and the kids.  Too, too funny and yet, so realistic.  It was awesome and the time put into setting it all up was crazy fun.  However, my camera just didn't rise to the occasion.  It's now bedtime and I want to pack most of my room up before tomorrow morning.  See y'all in the morn - and just keep reading.  It's a double post including tomorrow.

Tuesday -

Gotta go ---  I'm all packed and it's a fly day.  Saying good-bye is so hard and Miss A had a really bad night, causing her to be in no mood for a picture this morning.  See ya later O

And JP

Cassie --- I miss you terribly all the time.  Love ya tons.

The mountains in the distance after yesterday's snowfall as we drive to the airport.

Once at the gate, I see our plane and that is ALWAYS good news.  Within 20 minutes I'm up, up, and away.

 See ya later Salt Lake.  Perhaps this fall.  Settling in for the flight, I watch Harriet and it is an incredible movie with an even more wonderful soundtrack.  Seriously.  The time passes so quick and Mister picks me up, before a mad dash home so he can get back to work.  Downtime the rest of the day.  I had a great time and loved every minute of it.  Big hugs from Mom and Gammy.

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