Sunday, July 10, 2016

Zyra and Hyrum are BACK - Days 3, 4 and 5

8th -  Jen, Jared and Josh are in town to spend the day so that the cousins get a chance to play together.  I love these opportunities for the kids.  It makes my heart happy to see them spend time with one another.

Grandpa is home today too and that makes it extra nice.  He's actually working from  home but finishes up early.

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Zyra and Hyrum are BACK --- Travel and Days 1 & 2

Bekah has been working for Uncle Matt up in Montana for the past month and is returning home today.  She is bringing Hyrum and Zyra back with her for some Gammy and Grandpa time.  Jen and I are off to the airport to pick all three up and Grandpa is following in another car.

Well, dang.  We get stuck in traffic and Grandpa manages to escape via an exit so he is on his way to meet the plane.  We'll get there sometime.

By the time we get there, they are all at baggage waiting for cases.  Hugs all around and then good-byes to Bekah and Jen as they continue on their way to Abilene.  With our new charges in hand, it's time to head into  Dallas.  First stop?  The grocery store and they get to pick out what they want.  It's time for summer camp to begin.

Once we get home, a quick dinner goes into their bellies and then it's bedtime.  Yep, it was a late afternoon flight so the day is pretty much shot.  Let's get some good sleep and be ready for adventures tomorrow.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Summer Camp Session FIVE -- Jacob

24th - It's Switchout Day.  I have traded Josh for Jacob and we are on the way home.  We stop and pick Grandpa up from work since I have the car and go get some dinner.  After that, it's a stop at the auction for the evening.

I come home with a vintage quilt that I absolutely love.  Oh so pretty.  I can't wait to put it on my bed.  With the traveling, that's it for today.  The true camp session starts tomorrow.

Friday, June 24, 2016

Josh's Session - Four - Days 4, 5, & 6

22nd -  Hello Beautiful Day!  We are up and moving early this morning as it is ZOO DAY.  That means we need to be there when it opens so that we can see everything and get out before it gets too hot and the animals go into hiding.  Yes, I know -- same old story.  However, today is beautiful and we are off.

When we get to the lemurs, something new has taken place.  There are tortoises in the habitat along with the lemurs and they are not at all sure about those moving rocks.  It is so funny that we watch for a very long time.  They they take to the trees and it's as if they are putting on a show for us today.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Josh's Session - Four - Days 1, 2, & 3

19th -  WOW --- The summer is flying by.  We are on session four of summer camp and this time it is Josh's turn.  With a Sunday morning start, I bet you can guess the morning's agenda.  Yep, we are coffee shop bound.  It's a beautiful day and a walk seems ideal right now.

Hot cocoa and a cinnamon roll always start the day out right.  It still strikes me as funny that ALL of the kids want to sit in the loft and not downstairs where the action is taking place.  Cracks me up.

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Making the Switch - Waterpark Day

We are switching kids again today - delivering Jared and collecting Josh for our week with him.  Each year we try and meet at least once at the waterpark, so today is the day.  With the exception of Bekah, who is up in Montana working for Uncle Matt this month, Jen's whole family plus Grandpa and I are playing in the sun and water.

As I walk to find water to drink, I am instantly hit up by a grand wanting permission to do the surf activity.  Well, who am I to say no?  Absolutely I sign him up.  Jen shows up with more requesting the same thing and soon they are off to give it a try.

Friday, June 17, 2016

Summer Session Three -- Jared

11th - Okay - I am going to try and do an entire session in one post.  This is an experiment and it may never happen again, but everything needs to be attempted at least once, right?

Grandpa and I meet Jen halfway to Abilene to switch out kids and this time we have Jared for a week.

As we return to Dallas, we stop in old Weatherford for awhile.  It seems like a good day for some antiquing.  As we park, we notice a garage sale/flea market - small in size - across the street.  Let's go.