Thursday, July 7, 2016

Zyra and Hyrum are BACK --- Travel and Days 1 & 2

Bekah has been working for Uncle Matt up in Montana for the past month and is returning home today.  She is bringing Hyrum and Zyra back with her for some Gammy and Grandpa time.  Jen and I are off to the airport to pick all three up and Grandpa is following in another car.

Well, dang.  We get stuck in traffic and Grandpa manages to escape via an exit so he is on his way to meet the plane.  We'll get there sometime.

By the time we get there, they are all at baggage waiting for cases.  Hugs all around and then good-byes to Bekah and Jen as they continue on their way to Abilene.  With our new charges in hand, it's time to head into  Dallas.  First stop?  The grocery store and they get to pick out what they want.  It's time for summer camp to begin.

Once we get home, a quick dinner goes into their bellies and then it's bedtime.  Yep, it was a late afternoon flight so the day is pretty much shot.  Let's get some good sleep and be ready for adventures tomorrow.

Day 2 - 6th  -

Hello new day!  After asking what these two want to do today, the answer is "stay home" and just play.  We can do that.  In fact, we'll find some fun things to do here too.

With permission given, they are off to the toy closet and return ready to build a racetrack.  Working together so well, a figure eight soon makes an appearance.

As I'm making breakfast, I quietly tell them to come watch.  Out the window are about 10 different varieties of birds and oh so many squirrels.  It's a flurry of activity.

Once I have breakfast cleaned up, we decide to make some cookies.  It seems like a good day for that and they are more than willing.  Not sure anyone is getting dressed today.  It's perfect.

Our whole day is just spent enjoying each other and loving it.  We've made plans for tomorrow and it will be a definite on the go day.

Till then --- do the same as us.  Enjoy the day.

Day 3 - 7th

We are off and running today.  The Children's Aquarium, the Lagoon at Fair Park and Discovery Gardens Butterfly House are all in one location.  Let's get going.

I have pictures and videos of the great time we have at the aquarium.  Yes, we feed the stingrays.  It's the best part of the trip and they LOVE it.

I feel that if these two had their way -- we'd stay here ALL DAY.  Their attention span never diminishes and they are just so good with the rays.

There are so many pictures to share here --- I'll just let you enjoy for a few --

The shark tank is right near the stingrays so Hyrum takes a quick peek before going back.

You can absolutely see the joy on their faces as they play.

Okay, okay.  There is an entire aquarium here.  Let's go check out the other stuff and see what fun we can have.

As I lead them into the main part of the building,  Zyra remembers the alligator and heads directly there.  It cracks me up that they know this place so well and yet always ask to go here.

Once the exhibits are finished, it's time to head out.  Oh wait Gammy.  Check this out!

Onto the Lagoon.  It's time to stretch these legs a bit.  Running is what is needed for a few minutes.  I let them climb and run all over the place.  Yes, that's what Gammy's do.  They are super careful and inch their way as far as they can out into the lagoon.  Love that they are so brave.

Okay, now that they are run out -- let's make a stop at the Discovery House and see the butterflies.  I LOVE this place but it is indeed warm inside so our stay won't be as long today.  Zyra decides to be a "statue" and see if they will land on her.  Luck does not seem to be her friend right now.

Hyrum, meanwhile, makes stops at all the information areas and reads everything.  I am super impressed at his ability to get most of the words and only have to offer helps a few times.

We DO spot a large moth having a wonderful snack.  I guess I'm not sure it is a moth, but I think so.  Perhaps it's just a HUGE butterfly.

As we are leaving, Hyrum's show breaks.  Well, dang.  How to fix it?  I know -- I'll rig it up with Zyra's pony tail holder.

We are now off to Northpark Mall, the LEGO store, and the theater.  Finding Dory is our afternoon entertainment.  Yes, it's a fish day.

Each one is allowed to pick out one LEGO under a certain dollar limit and since I didn't tell them that until after they had looked for awhile, they both knew just what they wanted.  Yep, we are moving on, but not before Hyrum gets to try out the newest technology.  If you hold up certain boxes to the camera, it scans the box and then shows you the set built and animated..

Alright, I need to get these two fed.  Lunch before the movie.  It's been a super busy morning and I want everyone to stay happy.  That requires food.  A quick stop at the food court and we are soon on our way again.  It's movie time.

The movie is GREAT!  All three of us enjoy it and now it is time to head home to build those LEGO's and have Grandpa fix that shoe.  Whew!  What a super fun day though and all accomplished without a single complaint.  Even from Hyrum, with a pony tail holder on his sandal.  That couldn't have been comfortable.

  Oh, Hyrum has decided he wants to sew something too so I hunt online and find a pattern for pajama pants that is free.  With a quick print and some tape, we are ready --- but need fabric.  Another task for another day.  I'm done for today.  Wow.

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