Sunday, July 24, 2016

Buttars Summer Camp - Days 1, 2, & 3

22nd  -  I am outta here and off to Denver to pick up the boys.  My flight goes slick and we meet up with Trent and Amanda who are in a hurry to get to an event they planned.  Okay, we have some time before our flight as it has been delayed.  Let's go get some lunch.

After lunch, we still have more time to kill.  The moving walkways help relieve things a bit.

Okay Gam, we are now bored.  Do you have anything to do?  As a matter of fact, I have some cards.  Here ya go.

Oh yay.  We finally have a plane and are settled in.  They are determined to all sit together and we manage to get seats that allow it.  I can't get to Caleb so Raef is in charge this flight.  My fingers are definitely crossed.  It's late by the time we get home -- so straight to bed for everyone, including me.  I'm serious -- ugh.  1 a.m. landing.

23rd -  The late night is followed by a bit of a sleep in.  I'm shocked, but even Caleb stays in bed awhile.  (I also did everything I could to keep the house quiet.)  However, everyone is up and about now so that means Gammy mode needs to kick in.  Let's go to the Aquarium.  That allows for running and letting off steam.  Sounds perfect to me.  Check out the banana tree right by the building.  This is super fun.

As soon as we enter the building, we have the chance for some time with a baby alligator.  Smiles all around indicate that it is a great beginning.

From there, it's onto the touch tank and Grandpa loves these as much as the kids do.

The shark jaw always elicits fun moments.  Will your head fit?

Okay, and they are off to the stingrays.  It's their favorite part of stopping here so why wait?  Picture fest begins now.


The shark and sea turtle tank is right nearby and is cause for a sit and watch moment too.

Okay, perhaps we should head back into the building and check out the indoor exhibits.  I'm getting dang hot out here and, yes, that is why we usually get out and about early in the day.

Hahahaha -- they just can't stand it and need a second trip to the stingrays.  This time there is a keeper in the tank who shares information and stingray teeth with them.

Alright -- let's go run for awhile.  Play boys, play.

Can you get all the way up without touching the base -- only the sides?  Let's try.

Please don't fall in Caleb.  I really don't want to go swimming.

Is anyone else hungry?  In N Out here we come.  Burgers and fries all around.  Yum.

One more stop on the way home and we have fabric for pajama pants and travel pillows.  These boys are going to SEW.

24th -  It's ZOO day.  As the gates open, we zoom through.  Gotta get an early start and beat the heat.  Do you remember my post in May where a flamingo was sitting on an egg?  Well, it hatched last month and I want to see how big it has gotten since I first saw it.  LOOK!

We keep moving past the primate place and down towards the koala walkabout where the boys have a chance to feed the lorikeets.  Please let them be fun today and hungry too.

Just outside the lorikeets is the cockatoo.  She's so pretty.

Time for food -- we have made it through one side including the reptile building.  Whew.

A stop at the children's zoo always brings fun and new adventures.  Today is spot on with fun in the Underzone AND up close, personal interaction with a snake.

There are growth charts there which everyone takes a turn at.  Raef is THRILLED to discover that he has reached 5 feet.

Now for a bird show.

Okay, this day is definitely warming up, but it's not as bad as it could be.  Let's take a break on the monorail and sit for awhile.

Raef is now HOT.  I help out with a bottle of water poured over his head.  He can continue now.

On we go down the Gorilla Trail backwards.  Well, it made more sense since we were at that end.

One of the meerkats is determined to keep an eye on us.  I have oodles of time to get my camera set for this picture.  He's as curious as we are.

As we round the corner, the little klipspringer is also keeping an eye on us today.

The crocodiles are always a big hit with the boys.  I find them to be incredibly boring to see as they NEVER move, but today we are lucky.

It even pulls Grandpa in to watch.

As we continue down the trail, everyone is really starting to feel the heat.  We have been here quite awhile and still have the savanna to do.  We have taken our time and enjoyed each area with no rush but I'm thinking it's time to move a little quicker.

Elephant pictures all around.

Let's cool off a bit.  Ice cream sounds so very good, but for some reason two of them want dippin dots instead. Really?
Those things are awful.  Grandpa and I split forces and each go to one shop for the treats before we meet back up to enjoy.

Moving on --- It's Savanna time.  We spend some time here but the giraffes are not feeding right now so on we go.  We're done -- it's been 7 1/2 hours and time to head home.  Wow.

One last stop at the carousel and we can call this day complete.

The boys have been completely awesome today.  Not a single complaint or whine emitted for any of them and we walked a lot.  It's super hot out and yet, there are smiles all around.

I'm betting people will sleep good tonight.

See ya'll tomorrow.

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