Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Buttars Summer Camp - Days 4, 5 & 6

25th -  We have a super big agenda for today and that means I need to get in gear and start things up.  It's a SEW DAY!  The boys are eager to make their pajama pants and I absolutely love their enthusiasm.

Once everything is cut out and I have my sweet little Featherweight all set up to go, it's time to put these pants together.  Caleb is up first and he just does oh so well.  His pants have sharks all over them and he is one giant smile.

Ryan is next and after a few minutes of practice, he is also ready to go.

I am simply thrilled with how well he listens and follows directions.  Making something for yourself to wear is such a fun activity and I'm amazed at how quick this really goes.  About an hour a person so far and they finish with something that just makes them smile from ear to ear.

Now for Raef.  He has been patient and let me work with both of his brothers but at the same time he has been watching closely and pretty much knows what he needs to do.

His pants had to be lengthened a bit as my pattern didn't quite go long enough but I'm hoping we managed to make it happen.  Next time I'll have to actually go and buy a pattern and not just print off the internet.  These kids are growing up so fast.

Happy faces make for a happy Gammy.

Since Caleb was first, he has been busy playing with all the animals he can find while his brothers have been sewing.    Super cute.

And the final TA-DA --- what a great job they did.

Since we started out with a sewing day, let's keep the theme going and do some baking too.  Cookies have been requested, thus cookies it shall be.

In fact, making cookies in brand new pajama pants seems absolutely perfect, right?

We make sure that everyone gets to play a part and put some of the ingredients in.  That's what it is all about.  How big of a mess can we make?

Ah yes -- perfect!

And, of course, the benefits of this --- you get this section, you get this one, and so on.  Do you think it worked?

I think my heart is happiest when I look at all these aprons everywhere.  Aprons that have been made by my grands.  How fitting.

And the best reward of all -- hot cookies and cold milk.

This day just keeps on going.  It is time to catch our bus and head off to meet Grandpa for our evening fun.

We get picked up at the house and dropped off at the train station just a wee bit early, giving the boys a few minutes to play.  They never lack for imagination and find things to do wherever they land.

And land is what Raef is definitely going to do is he is not careful.

Once on the train, we are off to Irving to meet up with Grandpa.  Since he isn't there yet, the fountain at the convention center provides some entertainment.

All right ---- Grandpa has arrived and we are off to Grandma's house to swim.  Yep, you already figured that out didn't you?  Grandma's pool is the best and with Grandpa in the water, well fun times are to be had by all.  Just enjoy all these amazing pictures as they tell the story better than I possibly could.

It is definitely time to put some food into these guys so we stop at the noodle house and treat them to some Pho.  Oh yum.  Well most of them think so.  Caleb has pretty much decided that it is a no go.  So sad.  And that's it for this very busy day.  Wow.

26th -  After a good night's sleep, we have a car and the decision has been made to take in a movie today.  Ice Age is the chosen flick and we laugh like crazy.  What a good choice.  After, it's a stop at Game Stop and the LEGO store.

The people building bins allow for creativity and everyone walks out with a new LEGO person.  Happy dances all around.  Oh, and I guess we bought just a few of the Mixels too.  Oops.

Now what?  I have an idea and we all pile into the car and whisk off to Jumpstreet to run some of that energy off.  Yay Gammy.  What a fantastic plan.

An attempt is made at Dodge ball but I'm thinking just standing against the window does not improve one's odds at this game.

I encourage Raef to give the bull a chance and he takes me up on it.

I wish the others were old enough to give it a try too but no such luck.

Two attempts for Raef give me plenty of giggles all around though.


Whew - what a fun day.  We head home to get Grandpa and take him out to pizza for dinner.  A perfect end to a truly wonderful time together.  See ya'll tomorrow.

27th -  After a busy, running around day yesterday, we have opted to hang out at the house again today.  The boys still have their travel pillows to sew and we still have the machine set up -- seems like a good time to make it all happen.

These are really dang easy to make and simply require a seam that goes around the entire thing, leaving one small opening to turn and stuff.

Each step is met with enthusiasm by Raef although I have to admit that this dang black fabric is EVERYWHERE.  Ugh -- it will take us forever to clean up.

Ryan is next up, followed by Caleb.  Caleb has more fun stuffing than anything else.  As I said -- MESS.  (I think I was so busy helping that pictures didn't get taken.)

TA-DA - and they match their jammies.

Remember those Mixels we bought yesterday?  I guess it's as good a time as any to take them out and give them a whirl.

The boys are enjoying just chilling around the house today.

Everytime I look for someone, they have found a spot to just hang out and relax.  I get it.  Everyone needs down time now and then.

How about a movie and some popcorn?  Yes, popcorn in the office.  I CAN be fun now and then.

As soon as the movie is over, I hear the rumblings of a storm.  As I peek outside, it is starting to rain and I tell Caleb to come outside with me.  He thinks I'm crazy and doesn't want to get wet so he runs back into the house.  Well fine then.  I call out Raef and Ryan and ask if they want to play in the rain and these two definitely take me up on the offer.

It doesn't take long and Caleb comes back out to play as well --- ya know -- since the big boys seem to think it is okay.

We have a cloud burst and soon the gutters are flowing like small creeks.

They all look at me and I give the go ahead.  Have fun.

Yep --- I did say to have fun.

I let them play until around 5 when the traffic starts to pick up.  Then everyone into the house, strip at the door and head for the shower.  Leaves, twigs, and other stuff at the door please.  What a fun afternoon and they simply cannot wait to tell Grandpa all about it.  Score one for Gammy.

The evening is spent with some Grandpa time.  Gammy takes a little quiet time to herself and all are happy.

Hugs and kisses goodnight -- complete with travel pillows to sleep on.

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