Thursday, July 28, 2016

Buttars Summer Camp - Day 7

Day 7!  Where has this week gone?  We are planning a neighborhood day.  Do you know what that means?  Well, for us -- it means that all activities will take place within the neighborhood.  Of course, that does mean that I have to somehow get them out of bed and moving.

The have all managed to congregate in one bed this morning.  It does happen to be the bed with the technical device nearby, but that can't be the reason, right?

Okay, okay.  How about starting out at the school?  Let's get some wiggles out right away.  On the plus side, it's cooler right now too.

These two guys decided that if they got all the swings moving, it would be like a crazy race to try and get through without being touched.  Yep, pretty creative and definitely kept them busy for awhile.

"Hey you guys!"

It's time to head back.  The wiggles are temporarily out and we have a new plan.  Cookies!

Yes, we've already made cookies once this week, but the boys have suggested sugar cookies.  They want to roll, cut and decorate.  We can do that.  Let's see how messy we can make the kitchen.

Aprons on and dough is made.  Now for the rolling and fun part.  Caleb is first up and we have determined that circles and hearts are the rule of the day.  Raef follows with some dough of his own and we soon have trays of cookies going into the oven.

As the first batch bakes, Ryan takes a stab at the rolling out process.

Bur , of course, he is being supervised.

Smiles all around as we start the decorating class.

We have frosting and sprinkles of all kinds.  Yep --- more goes into the mouth than on the cookies at times.

Ahhhh -- TA-DA

Now for some lunch followed by treats.

Our afternoon activity is in the neighborhood too.  We are walking down to the skating rink and a few more wiggles will be released there.

Caleb is all for this and super excited to get his skates on.  Once they are on, things change tremendously.  He can't just go like he thought he would be able to.  I try and try to get him to just practice on the carpet, but he has made up his mind.  He is just going to watch.  So be it.

Ryan takes a break on the rink and I ask him to skate around the carpet with Caleb for awhile.  Yay!  Success.

Then they announce that they will be doing races.  Like the wind, Ryan is gone and ready to fly.  There is a definite competitor in him.

He wins and is awarded goodies from the snack bar.  Oh yeah --- healthy all the way here.  Meanwhile, Caleb is once again sitting and playing.

The next announcement is for limbo and both older boys go to see how well they can do.

I'm pretty dang impressed as they both hold on for quite awhile.  I was never very good at this and none of the other grands have even attempted this while we have visited.

Finally, Raef misses and it's down to Ryan and another guy.

This goes on for awhile but Ryan emerges as the victor.

Woohoo Ryan.

And to the victor, go the spoils.  He has won a free pass for a return trip.  Hmmm, perhaps we should have had this event earlier in the trip.  Oh well, it's the fun of it anyway.

It's time to go, but first a few minutes at the crazy  mirrors.  Look at our short legs and barely visible Caleb.

We all get the giggles and just play for awhile before starting the trek back up to the house.

Once Grandpa gets home from work and dinner is over, we make a run down to R.E.I. to get some hooks for the boys pillows so that they can take them home on the plane with them.

Now to end the neighborhood day in the best way possible.  ICE CREAM!  Love it.  AND I love these faces.  What a super fun day and I wish so much that time would slow down.

Tomorrow is day 8 --- oh what shall we do?  See ya then.

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