Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Zyra and Hyrum are BACK - Days 6 and 7

11th -  Monday morning means that Grandpa is back at work and we are on our own again.  After starting out the morning with poached eggs (which Zyra LOVED), we are off to the school playground to get the wiggles out.  My big job here is to take pictures, which I do happily.

I think I've tired them out for awhile so it's back to the house for us.  There is laundry to do and UNO to be played.  For lunch, fresh tomatoes with salt are requested, along with fruit, quesadillas and fresh baked brownies.  Then some more UNO and a movie.  That seems like a full day, but, no.  We are off to meet Grandpa up in Irving, so look out DART -- here we come.

Grandpa meets our train and our first stop is for some dinner.  Burgers have been requested and we are off to In-N-Out which is just down the road from Grandma H's place.

Once the bellies are taken care of, we go to see Grandma H.  There are cats in that room ---

Once the visiting is finished, it is time for some fun in the pool.  This is always a highlight for the kids and Grandpa is such a gem at getting in with them.

Each time these two visit we practice a little bit more and they are both just so eager to learn to swim.

I LOVE the laughter and smiles of accomplishment.

Okay, my turn now Grandpa.  Are you watching?

And down he goes.

The fear factor is the hardest part to overcome, so once that is no longer an issue, we can actually swim.

Oh look at these smiles.  Going under the small waterfall is always fun.

Enjoy this little clip.

And that's it.  Another day is complete and I think we did a good job.  I have one worn out little girl.  Hyrum is still going strong, but this one gave it up.  See you tomorrow.

12th -  Grandpa is working from home today so we have a car.  That means we should go somewhere that is a bit harder to get to with the DART.  I give some options and they choose the Children's Garden at the Dallas Arboretum.  Let's go before it gets too hot.

The first stop lets the kids learn the parts of a flower and to build one themselves.

It's good because it's hands on educational.  It's one thing to tell the parts, another to put it completely together.

The next stop is a stamping of each stage of a plant's growth.  They take turns stamping a long strip that then is put into a viewing cylinder and it gets turned rapidly so that you can watch the growth of the plant as it goes around.

As we round the corner, I see one of my favorite things here.  The kaleidoscope!  It's fantastic.  Honest.

Since we can't see what they are seeing, it just seemed fun to video them learning both cooperation and the results of turning different way.

We find a new spot and it has viewing places for a swampy area.  Here is what they see -

And this is how they see it -

As we climb back up to the top, the waterfall stop cools us off and gives us a choice photo moment.  Yes, they are behind the waterfall.

Now for the maze -

And then inside for awhile.  Ahhhh A/C

Alright, alright -- they have waited long enough.  Down to the water, air, sun exhibits.  First up:  The tornado machine.  This is always fun and is not an additional fee.  That makes it a win-win for me.

Water time - how many can you get twirling?

Some fun with air -

And a final stop at the treehouse to climb a bit.  That's it.

On the way back home, we stop down at the hardware store to check out the chickens.  These two have chickens and love to see the babies.

It's official.  I'm done.  Stick a fork in me.  I need some quiet time at home.  Off we go and they play with puzzles and games until Grandpa is off work.

After a break to put my feet up awhile, I get dinner made and we have a lovely meal, complete with sparkling cider in wine glasses.  Fancy.

More quiet games while the mess gets cleaned up.

It's a gorgeous evening out so we decide to get ice cream for a treat and then take a drive down to the lake.  Perfect ending of a really fun day.  I can't believe how fast the days are going.  Time -- please slow down.

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