Sunday, July 10, 2016

Zyra and Hyrum are BACK - Days 3, 4 and 5

8th -  Jen, Jared and Josh are in town to spend the day so that the cousins get a chance to play together.  I love these opportunities for the kids.  It makes my heart happy to see them spend time with one another.

Grandpa is home today too and that makes it extra nice.  He's actually working from  home but finishes up early.

Jen leaves for awhile to go pick up Jon and Jacob from camp and I command a little quiet time.  That means a movie and not one of these kids have seen The Pacifier.  Problem solved.

Once the movie is over, back to playing.

After making a spaghetti dinner for all, it's Go Fish time.  This game is becoming a stand-by favorite for everyone.  That's it -- this day is a wrap.  Jen and boys head home and these two are soon tucked into bed.  Whew, I'm ready for some sleep too.

9th -  It's Saturday so Grandpa has the whole day with us.  Woot woot!  The requested adventure is the zoo today.  Okay!  We are up early and there when it opens.

As we head to Zoo North, I remember that there is a baby flamingo in the lagoon.  I am like a dog with a bone  heading there.  Zoom.  Please let it be out.  Oh YAY!  Look how cute it is.  We stay and watch for quite awhile just loving the entire scene.  From there, it's onto the Koala Walkabout, via stops at the tamarins and primates.

One of the koalas is even awake --- ooooh -- doesn't happen often.  Breakfast time.

The lorikeets are requested next.  Absolutely.  Let's go see if they are hungry.

Zyra has her little cup of nectar and is happily feeding one of the birds.  The next thing we know it has stolen her cup and is holding it while continuing to drink.  What the heck?  She is laughing so hard over the whole thing.

Grandpa reaches up to attempt a retrieve of the cup.  Too funny.

Okay, it's time to move on.  Kangaroos are up next and then we decide to head over to the Children's Zoo.  These two enjoy the birds so much that we will check in at the Bird's Landing and see if it is open.

Success.  Time for some more feeding.  One of the reasons the kids love the zoo so much is because of all the interactive exhibits.  Without these, interest wanes.

Psst.  I LOVE this area too.

The Children's section also contains the Underzone.  This is another must-do for the kids as they get to crawl around and have fun while seeing the animals.

Somehow they talk me into crawling through this short tunnel with them so that I can see the exhibit that is inside it.  Really?  Okay, here goes and here's hoping that I don't get stuck.  What on earth am I thinking?

I do manage to get through it, but just enough to see the exhibit and then I back out.  Crazy.

As we exit the Underzone, across the way there is a snake encounter taking place.  Let's go check it out.  More hands on learning.

Zyra has absolutely no fear.  She will try anything as long as she gets approval from us.

 Hyrum moves in a little slower, but still participates and enjoys the encounter.

From here, we are off to the bird show.  Yesterday was fish and apparently today is focused on birds.  Makes complete sense to me.

Once the show ends, it's definitely time to take the tunnel to the other side of the zoo.  There are encounters there as well as the savanna.

As we arrive, an encounter with an owl is taking place.  More birds, hahahaha.

Alright, let's feed these two.  Many times we don't make it til lunch due to the heat, but today these two are troopers and no complaints at all.

As we enter the Giants of the Savanna, the requisite elephant photo takes place with smiles all around.  Their cheeks are starting to look a little warm.

Onto our friends, the giraffes.  Oh, my absolutely fav here.

It's now time to walk.  The encounters are over and we still have zoo to see.  After checking out the savanna, we are off down the Gorilla Trail.

Alright -- we are cooked and it's time to go.  Phew.  I'm ready to sit and relax for awhile.

With another quick stop at the store, we grab a few things and then it's back to the house for just that --- relaxing.

We also make a stop at JoAnn's for the fabric for her dress and Hyrum's pajamas.

We end the night with some more cards and just giggle until it is bed time.  I'm done until tomorrow.

10th - Giving me a little extra sleep, Grandpa takes the kids off to the coffee shop first thing in the morning.  He even takes pictures for me --- go Grandpa.

Once they arrive back, I am set up and ready to sew with Zyra. She gets a quick lesson with a practice fabric before we are ready to sew on her dress.

I am so impressed with how well she does.  I have a few pictures here for you and there is also a video.  Please enjoy with me.

Part of this dress means making straps and sewing on buttons.  She takes each step in stride and settles into work.  I am so thankful for this wonderful vintage machine that is super kid friendly.

She does a great job and soon has a lovely butterfly dress to check out the butterfly bush with.

Next, we are off to Jumpstreet to run some of that energy off. And when I say run, well Hyrum takes us serious.  He RUNS.  Non-stop.

I have no idea the miles he is racking up, but this goes on for at least half an hour.  NON-STOP.

Oh my.  I'm glad he is having fun and most tramps are for jumping, but he is definitely into running right now.

Finally, we get both of them off the tramp and move over to the foam pit.  This is oh so good for laughs.  I truly can't stop myself.  Please watch the video of Zyra learning how to let go.  Please.

That's it for another fun-packed day.  Once again, Grandpa and I are worn out.  Oh to have their energy.  It's quiet time around here and Hyrum has pulled out his tablet for the first time.  See ya'll tomorrow.

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