Friday, July 15, 2016

Zyra and Hyrum are BACK - Days 8, 9, 10

13th -  Grandpa has taken the day off to play with us.  How fun is that?  We have determined that it's a good day to hit up the Perot Museum and Klyde Warren Park.  Perhaps a stop at the Dallas Museum of Art while we're down here.  Who knows?

We park at the DMA and walk first thing to the Perot.

Heading downstairs is always fun as the steps play music.  It's good for the heart to try and go up and down, backwards and forwards and try to pick out a tune.  Of course, this only works when it's not crowded, like today.

The main attraction downstairs is a race track where one or two people can race each other and another object.  I say object because it could be a famous runner or a land/water creature that is super fast.  They get to pick.

At the very end it tells the times.  You can see how fast the Tylosaurus was compared to the kids.  Zoom.  It's unusual for this area to not be packed so they take advantage of it and race several times before we start our ascent to the very top of the building.

The views are awesome during the multiple escalators.

A quick stop at the top to see just how high we are and then we are off to the exhibits.

One of the interactive ones allows kids to be an eagle. They determine how high the bird goes by using their arms as wings.  Again, there is always a line for this one and we are lucky to be at the front of it.  They each get one turn and the line is way too long for a repeat.

The next stop teaches how different animals eat by using kitchen utensils that mimic their method of picking up their food.

As we start working down the floors, the dinosaur exhibit has some fossils that allow children to touch and feel just how big the parts are.  Eyes always open wide for this.

Next, the geode room.  Hyrum loves the rocks and wants to learn about all of them.  We could be in here all day at this rate.

We've hit the technology floor and they are off.  There is no point in keeping track of them in here.  One of us watches the door and the other follows with a camera.  No place to go and so very much to see and do.

There are stations for absolutely everything you can imagine doing.  Let those imaginations go.  Zyra finds one of my favorite games and we sit to play for awhile.  She soon has figured out how to guard her choices.

It's noon and we're getting hungry.  Grandpa doesn't want to eat at the museum so off we go.  There is a mexican restaurant just a block away that he wants to try.  It's Meso Maya and the kids settle in with coloring sheets while we wait for our food.  Zyra orders a full meal and all of us, including the waiter, are shocked at her capability to eat it all.  She doesn't leave a drop and barely talks to us while she's eating.  Perhaps I haven't fed her enough the last couple of days?

All right.  Let's keep this ball rolling.  Where to next guys? The park or the museum?  The park wins and off we go.

It's really not a far walk at all and within mere moments they are running and playing.  Water has been discovered.

Again, our best option is to just settle in to watch.  They have permission to play however they wish, knowing that if they get too wet, there are not changes of clothing for them.

Off they go -- running, splashing, climbing, and just generally having fun.  The interesting part to me is that they kind of separate for awhile and do their own things before coming back together again.

Follow them with me through the pictures.

Apparently the decision has been made.

It's time to move on and they are soaked so we need some time in the sun to try and dry out a bit.  Across the park are the food trucks.  That means a drink or two.

Yep, now they are getting chilly but not near what they will in the car with the a/c.  Dry kiddos, dry.

The DMA gets forgotten and it's time to go back home.  Grandpa cuts up some fresh fruit for a snack

He has an instant helper with the mangoes.  Ooooh, I do love mangoes.  May I have some please?

Grandpa and Zyra settle in for a game of Old Main.  I have a hunch things are not going well for her.  You decide.

14th -  Oh no --- We only have today left with these angles.  No, no, no.  Please let time stop.  Since I have laundry and packing to do, we have opted for our last day to be at the house and Hyrum gets to make his pajama pants.

He does such a good job and is so surprised at how fast it goes.  TA-DA.

Zyra has decided that she wants to make her chickens a blanket while the sewing machine is all set up.  Off we go to the studio to shop for some fabric.  I find some leftover "egg" yardage and a piece of leftover yellow minky.  That ought to work just fine.

A quick seam around the outside and then she turns it and closes the little area.  Just like that she has a cute little blanket for her chickens.

Yes, for her chickens.  I would personally like to see the picture of them using it.  But I'm just the Gammy and aim to please.

15th -   It's here.  The day we have to say good-bye and these days are just so hard on everyone.  Grandpa is working from home and I'm just doing a quick turn around trip so am driving us to the airport myself.  Hugs all around and off we go.

We arrive with enough time to eat breakfast before our flight and then it's off to the gate.

Given we have nothing to do, we try some selfies.

A lady sitting nearby offers to take a picture of us for me.  How nice of her.  I love it except have no idea what faces they are making.  It certainly makes me wonder what they were thinking.

We are boarded and on our way.  Yep, the chicken blanket is right there with us.  A short hour and half later, we land in Denver and head for the center of terminal to watch for mom and dad to show up.

It doesn't take and long and the reunion is super sweet.  I have so enjoyed these two for the past 10 days.

I watch as they enter the train and my eyes are filled with tears.  Please let the year go by quick so that another opportunity comes my way.  Love and hugs to all.  Gammy and Grandpa.

Well, off to my gate I go.  A couple of hours later  I'm back to a very quiet house and a lonely Grandpa.

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