Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Summer Camp Session FIVE -- Jacob

24th - It's Switchout Day.  I have traded Josh for Jacob and we are on the way home.  We stop and pick Grandpa up from work since I have the car and go get some dinner.  After that, it's a stop at the auction for the evening.

I come home with a vintage quilt that I absolutely love.  Oh so pretty.  I can't wait to put it on my bed.  With the traveling, that's it for today.  The true camp session starts tomorrow.

25th -  We have another sleeper in the house and there are two machines we want to check on at a nearby estate sale so we creep out quietly and come home with two new treasures all before 10 a.m.

For the afternoon, Jacob wants to go to Jumpstreet and play dodgeball for awhile.  Sounds good to me and off we go.

There aren't a lot of kids here right now, but give it a few minutes and the place will fill up for sure.  He gets into a game and I take a few pictures while I can still see him on the other side.

During a break from playing dodgeball, he wants to try the mechanical bull.  I have  no issues with that.  Go for it.  I'll even video it for you so that everyone else can see too.

After Jumpstreet, we make a stop at Central Market to get the supplies for the meals that Jacob has picked out to cook this week.  There are some truly yummy ones coming up for sure.  I can't wait.  In the meantime, gelato was tried for the first time too.

Once we get home, it's time to get our dinner started.  Tonight's menu is Garlic and Herb Beef Tenderloin with a creamy sauce and rice.

Grandpa and Jacob are in the kitchen and I'm just gonna relax.  Yes, it calls for wine.

And the finished product --- doesn't this look scrumptious?

For the evening entertainment, Grandpa brings out a game he also found at the estate sale.  It is called Mille Bornes and we are all in learning mode.  What a great game!  I love it.

Of course, I'm not competitive at all.  Right?

Well, at any rate, we think we have it figured out after tonight and will happily play again.  Such a good time.

26th -   Sunday Morning so we are off to the coffee shop to start the day out.  Yep, tradition's must continue.  Well, I say start the day out, but I've been up and quilting for several hours.  We are starting HIS day.

After returning home, Jacob and I want to see Independence Day:  The Resurgence and there is an early showing. Grandpa is not at all interested so we leave him at home and head for the mall.  It's a great movie and the theater had extra dimensional stuff going on as well.  We truly had a great time.

After the movie, we stop in at the store when Jon did the VR demo and give Jacob a try at it as well.  I did do a video but can't get it to load.

A quick lunch of Pho before heading home is next and while Jacob likes it, he is not the fan that Josh was.  In my opinion, this wasn't the best Pho either so not really a fair trial.

Once home, I'm off to work on my quilt for awhile and Grandpa and Jacob figure out dinner, then rest for awhile themselves.

When it is time to start cooking tonight's meal, they work on the mis en place.  Google it, or ask Jacob.  It is a phrase he will never forget.

Tonight it is Chipotle Shrimp Scampi over angel hair pasta with corn on the cob.  My mouth is already drooling and they are just getting started.

First, the shrimp need to be cleaned.  I truly dislike this part more than anything so am glad that someone other than me is doing it.  Okay, so I'm not totally being honest.  I helped him out so it wouldn't take all night to get to the next step.  There were a LOT of shrimp to clean.

Yes, you may drool too.  Doesn't this look delicious?  And another day is in the books.

27th -  The weekend is over and Grandpa is back at work.  It's time to get out and go somewhere.

Today's choice is the Perot Museum and we are DART bound.  With a straight shot to the floor that is activity based, Jacob tries out several places before finding me at my favorite game.

He settles in and we play for an entire round (which for some reason annoys another lady).  By the time the round is over, I have worked my way up to living until I am 100.  I KNOW how to choose the right things, it's just DOING the right things I struggle with.

Jacob makes a stop at the remote cars for awhile and I locate some building blocks that I really like.  These are called Kapla blocks and I adore them.

I'm well into my colorful hexi building by the time he has joined me and started his own.

Oh yeah.  Looking good if I do say so myself.  It even has a roof.  No door but there is an opening about 10 floors up for some strange reason.

Jacob just keeps building higher and higher.  It's looking pretty cool but if it were mine, it'd on the table by now.

I think he has finished and it's still standing.  Super cool and I had a good time while here to boot.

After making the return trip home, it's time to start dinner and I am the helper tonight as Grandpa is still at work.  We are doing Parmesan Chicken on a bed of pasta.

First thing we have to do is crush some croutons.  They are pre-seasoned and if there is anything ALL kids like to do, it's pound something.

Once we have the coating made, the stone gets brought out and into the oven these chicken breasts go.  Do you want to know what is in the coating?  First dip the chicken breast in flour, then in 2 egg whites beaten and with 1 garlic clove pressed into them.  Next, cover with the coating which contains 1/2 cup crouton crumbs, 1/4 cup grated fresh parmesan cheese, 1 tsp. oregano, and 1/8 tsp. black pepper.  Bake 20-25 minutes at 425 or until chicken is no longer pink and juices run clear.

Grandpa is home and it's time to serve it up.  (Psst.  He is very distressed that I did not do the mis en place correctly while teaching.  We all use different methods, right?)  Doesn't this look divine?

28th -  After some time in the studio while Jacob sleeps in, the rest of the day is spent together.  It is our last day to have fun and I want to make the most of it.

Oh wait, I'm sure you are thinking, "What are they having for dinner?"   Well, we are making Pomegranate-glazed Cornish Hens on Wild Rice.  Yes, you can say it.  Ohhhh Emmm Geee.  It is his first reduction sauce and I'm having a blast working with him on this.

Having someone in the kitchen who really wants to learn makes cooking that much more enjoyable for me.  I love to do it anyway, but if I can teach too -- so much the better.

Once he has all the parts going and his sauce has reduced over a couple of hours, it's time to get it all going.

Not only has he learned about the methods of cooking along with all that entails, but we have practiced plating as well.  A meal that looks appealing is way more likely to be given an honest try when it comes to tasting it.  If it looks like crud, our brains already thinks it will taste that way.

I think he did another great job and I'm going to miss having him around.  We've eaten like kings this week.

Our evening is spent with another round of Mille Bornes.  I told you we had it down now.

29th - It's one of those boring laundry, clean house days as Jen is on her way to pick up Jacob.  Her family has completed their camp sessions so no trade off taking place.  We are on our own for a few days.  It's been super fun having Jacob here with us and I can't wait until the next time.  Jen drops me at the train so I can go and meet Grandpa tonight.  We need to check on his mom and then have a dinner together - alone for the first time in a month.  See ya'll around.

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