Friday, June 24, 2016

Josh's Session - Four - Days 4, 5, & 6

22nd -  Hello Beautiful Day!  We are up and moving early this morning as it is ZOO DAY.  That means we need to be there when it opens so that we can see everything and get out before it gets too hot and the animals go into hiding.  Yes, I know -- same old story.  However, today is beautiful and we are off.

When we get to the lemurs, something new has taken place.  There are tortoises in the habitat along with the lemurs and they are not at all sure about those moving rocks.  It is so funny that we watch for a very long time.  They they take to the trees and it's as if they are putting on a show for us today.

Meanwhile the tortoises are actually kind of boring and appear to want back into the building.  As we move along (finally), there is another new tortoise habitat near the primate road.

They are way in the back and believe it or not, I think they are in the process of making babies as we pass by.  Wouldn't that be cool?

As we move down Primate Row -- the Spider Monkeys are also showing off.  This is precisely why going to the zoo is best in the early hours.

As we get to the Koala Walkabout, the Lorikeets are awake and Josh wants to try and feed them.  "Of course, you may."

Continuing on, even the anteater is moving about today.

Stopping for an encounter is always fun.  Today we have a stork.

These encounters are one of the best new items at the zoo.  They started them a year or two ago and I love catching them as well.  You get to learn about various animals, most of which are not on display at the zoo.  They are simply used in these type of programs.

We cross over from Zoo North into the Savannah side and make our way towards the Gorilla Trail.

Yes, photo ops come up everywhere and this is the one Josh chooses.

Our last stop before leaving is to check in on the giraffes.  It's a must do.  They are not hungry today so feeding is out, but a quick look always makes me feel good.

We are back on the train and headed home, but need lunch so hop off while downtown.  There is a Subway at one of the stops and that works perfectly.

When we arrive at the train station, there isn't an On Demand bus to catch home so we settle down to wait for the regular bus.  It arrives after a bit and since it drops us on the highway near the coffee shop, I let Josh go shopping a the dollar store before making the walk home.  YES, another items checked off his "want-to-do" list.

Once home, Mister offers to take us to Cane Rosso for dinner.  Oh yum, and Josh is absolutely in love with the pizza.  We are even treated to dessert tonight.

Grandpa and I rarely order dessert, but occasionally, it seems right.

Tonight, he chooses Zeppole and Josh simply could not be happier.  Score one for the grandparents.

Okay, okay --- they are dang yummy.

23rd -  It's kind of our last day with Josh so we are staying home today and then taking the bus to meet Grandpa and go swimming at Great-Grandma's tonight.  That means it is cookie day.  Yep, gotta make some M&M cookies so that he can take some home with him tomorrow.

I think this may be one of my favorite activities when the kids come.  Well, truthfully -- anything in the kitchen can qualify as my favorite.  I just love baking and cooking with them.

Learning about the math, how to measure, how to operate the equipment and finally tasting the yummy product is just so much fun.

I LOVE that they learn without realizing it.  Seriously.  Science, Math, and Motor Skills all are enhanced by the simple act of making cookies.  Try it -- you'll see.

Okay, it's time to hit the road.  I have done the laundry and the house is cleaned up.  Let's go have some fun.

While we are traveling, the weather starts acting up and the pool at Grandma's is not sure it will be open.  Grandpa discovers a water park nearby and by the time we locate it, park, change, and are ready to play, the weather is once again just fine.  Figures, but this will likely be way more fun anyway.

In no time, our little charge is gone.  Poof.  He is off to discover the wonders of the park and see just how wet he can get.

One thing though -- he does NOT like to get his eyes wet and spends a lot of time wiping the water away.

We try to explain that just blinking will take care of it, but the wiping continues.

After a bit, Josh makes friends with another boy and we are no longer even on his radar.  They are off in a flash and only checking in every so often, like when the pool is cleared for a rest.

Stand in front of the sun Gammy.  It's too bright.

When the park closes, we are off for some dinner.  Josh absolutely loves ramen so I am hoping that he will like Pho.  We find a location close to us and settle in.  Oh yum.  I truly think I could eat this every day and not tire of it.

Fortunately for us, Josh loves it too and manages to get the chopsticks under control as well.  What a good sport about it all.  Now, do notice that he didn't add any GREEN stuff to his soup.  No worries --- it's yummy even without the delicious basil and bean sprouts.

24th -   Today, we switch out for Jacob.  That means a drive halfway to Abilene is on the agenda.  We leave a bit early so that I can make a stop in Weatherford and still have time for lunch at DQ.  Yes, I still like the joint.  I don't think Josh is ready for his time to end, but it is what it is.  There is always next summer.  Love ya tons and thanks for sharing a week with us.

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