Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Josh's Session - Four - Days 1, 2, & 3

19th -  WOW --- The summer is flying by.  We are on session four of summer camp and this time it is Josh's turn.  With a Sunday morning start, I bet you can guess the morning's agenda.  Yep, we are coffee shop bound.  It's a beautiful day and a walk seems ideal right now.

Hot cocoa and a cinnamon roll always start the day out right.  It still strikes me as funny that ALL of the kids want to sit in the loft and not downstairs where the action is taking place.  Cracks me up.

After breakfast, we walk the loop and stop in at Gecko Hardware and a peek at the chicks.  I love this as much as the kids do -- in fact, I want chickens to raise.  On my list anyway.

One of the staff spots Josh over here and asks if he wants to hold one of the baby chicks.

Was he expecting anything other than a yes?  Josh is thrilled for the chance and his smile takes over his face.  What is better than joy on a kid's face?

Grandpa is on the hunt for a few items so we wander over to the toy section and he spots these simple wind up toys to have fun with.  Ah, yes.  The good old days when everything wasn't electronic.  Next -- a simple top.  So much fun.

Since Grandpa has to go back to work tomorrow, this is his day with Josh.  I am off to sew and let them have their time together.  A few peeks in now and then show what they are up to.  Paper airplanes, and then Legos seem to be first on the agenda.

Grandpa has even fixed him up with a lamp on the floor.

The next time I peek in, they are back at work on paper airplanes (one got lost outside).  A break for a show and then I see that they have moved onto making goo.  Goodness, these are busy boys.

Slime, goo, whatever you want to call it always resonates with the kids.  Put some chemicals together and see what happens.  I love learning while  you play.  Always have, always will.

It's time to get the wiggles out for both of us while Grandpa makes dinner.  We decide to walk over to the school to play for awhile.  They have put in a new playground and Josh checks it out in complete detail.

I have never walked over to the other side of the school but heard that there is another playground for the older kids over there.  Let's give it a try.  Yep --- all new stuff to explore.

The interesting thing we find here is that there are "upside down" slides.  Yep, they are that way on purpose and exist strictly to climb.  It's a lot harder than it looks and he struggles to get to the top.

Once there - sit and breathe.  Whew.

And that's it for today.  The evening is quiet and relaxing with early bed for everyone.  See ya tomorrow.

20th -  Alright, let's get this camp underway correctly.  That means it's an explore day.  Josh has requested the aquarium and thus his wish is my command.

With a pick up at the house by the DART bus, we are soon awaiting a train that will sip us down to the fairgrounds where the Children's Aquarium is located.

As we walk through the door, he spots the shark jaw and takes a good look at it.  Oh so many teeth.  Crazy scary but cool too.

Checking out the tanks, we spot a starfish that is putting on a display for us.  Starfish are a favorite for Josh and he is entranced by this one.  I don't really blame him --- It's very cool.

The coral reef is alive and super interesting to watch and talk about.

As we get to this display, my eyes light up.  I do so love these fish.  They dig holes in the sand with their mouths and then burrow into them.
My favorite part is watching them spit out the grains of sand and then turn around and go back down into the hole.  However, they emerge head first.  So funny to me.  AND the amount that their mouths can contain just shocks me each time.  How deep is the hole?  How wide.  I wish we had some type of glass that allowed us to see that part of it.  What are they?  Oh, the Yellow Headed Jawfish.

Sharks are taking it easy today.

Now for the main event.  It's time to head out to see the stingrays, but on our way there, we spot someone in the shark tank cleaning the windows.  Again, prime moments to talk about why the sharks aren't bothering him.  My fav, the sea turtle is watching nearby as well.

Okay, okay -- onto the stingrays.

Okay, after that photo frenzy, it's time to head out.  We are once again taking the train and heading back into town, but not home.

To the mall we go.  Lunch first and then a stop at the LEGO store.

Now to complete our FISH day, we are off to see Finding Dory.  Seems like a good end to the day and then it's home to have dinner with Grandpa.

21st -  Today's adventure takes us deep in the heart of the Arts District.  We have the car today and our first stop is at the Perot Museum of Nature and Science.

In this building, one goes all the way to the top and then works down through the floors.  As you ascend, the escalator gives you a very cool view of the city.

At the top, there is a photo shot setup that must be obeyed.

Smile now.

Dinosaurs!  They capture the imagination of ALL my grandchildren and I don't remember that same interest when I was small or when my own children were.  However, these grands adore them.

The center is very hands on when it comes to electronic screens, not so much actual hands except in certain areas, but that's okay since this is the "electronic generation."

There is even a simulator that lets you experience different degrees of earthquakes.

The rock and gem area is wonderful here.  I LOVE it and never get to spend enough time here as most of the kids just aren't that interested in them.  Josh, however, is.  Nice.

In the gemstone area, we also located a puzzle (yes, electronic) that has you put different rocks back together again.

We stay long enough to do all the levels and the last one is pretty dang hard and takes us awhile.  Now to let others have a turn too.  So sad.  We could have played a lot longer.

The very last item in this area is the chance to learn about some rocks with a pop up demonstrator.

Once he has asked all his questions and checked out the gems and minerals, it is time to move to another floor.  The next one is VERY hands on and I will simply find a spot to roost and let him go.  Although, my favorite game is up here so one never knows.

Okay, he's done here.  Time to move onto something else.  On the way back to the DMA (where we parked), a stop at Klyde Warren Park for a chance to climb a play a bit before doing another museum.

Now for the Dallas Museum of Art.  We go straight to the Creative Solutions Room where he can let his imagination go.  Supplies are furnished - get ready, get set, create.

Today we have pieces of straws that have been cut up, popsicle sticks, and a bit of foam to work with.  What can come of that.  Think, think, think.  See ---- always something.

Our last stop is in the activity area and some fun is had with pegs and very large rubber bands.  It's been a great day, but it's time to head back home.  Grandpa is working from home today, so let's go see him and relax a bit.

Back again tomorrow in a new post.  See ya then.

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