Friday, June 17, 2016

Summer Session Three -- Jared

11th - Okay - I am going to try and do an entire session in one post.  This is an experiment and it may never happen again, but everything needs to be attempted at least once, right?

Grandpa and I meet Jen halfway to Abilene to switch out kids and this time we have Jared for a week.

As we return to Dallas, we stop in old Weatherford for awhile.  It seems like a good day for some antiquing.  As we park, we notice a garage sale/flea market - small in size - across the street.  Let's go.

After finding a few treasures at the garage sale, we are off to some antique shops nearby.  You can follow all that we see and do in this Weatherford Link.

It's the first time Jared has been in an antique shop and finds it all rather fascinating.  We get to talk about how different items were used and whether their replacements or updates are really any better than the original ideas.

He also learns that things used to LAST as many of these items can still be used today.

After several shops, it's lunch time and nestled right in among the shops is a place called Yesterday's.  Apt name, yes?    We order sands and enjoy the atmosphere.  This place is hopping.  Through that door to the back is the other side of the building, which just happens to be the other entrance AND the ice cream shop.  Both Grandpa and Jared make a stop back there.

We are then off to the house to chill for the rest of the day.  Yep, that is what has been requested by Jared of this trip.  He just wants to hang out and relax.  I can do that.

12th - Since Jared is just into "chill" right now, I spend the day working on this blog and I have no idea just what all he does.  In the afternoon, he and Grandpa go off to see Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.  Yep, I passed on that one.

13th - Baking has been requested for today so we are going to make both cinnamon rolls and "homemade" brownies.  I say it in quotes co Jared expects a box and today we are trying a new recipe I found.

First, we need to get the cinnamon roll dough made so that it can rise and then we are on to the brownies.

Everything goes smooth and Jared laughs himself silly while punching down the dough.  Yep, boys will find fun in the kitchen no matter where or what they are doing.

Lunch and a movie occupy our afternoon.  We are about 15 minutes from the end of the movie when the power goes out.  We are at my desk so the laptop has a backup even though we have lost the big screen AND we have to run for a speaker that connects to the laptop without power.  Success. 

He really doesn't believe that I'll just keep taking pictures until he smiles for me while he enjoys his cinnamon roll.  Oh ye of little faith.

Grandpa suggests that we go out for pizza tonight and away we go.  That's all folks.

14th - It's time to have a fun day outside the walls of our house.  We catch the train down to the zoo for a wonderful morning together.  The birds in the lagoon are in full splendor today and even the pelicans put on a show for us.

I would stay and watch all day if I could.

I think Jared would too.

We are on our way to the Koala Walkabout and stop on the walkway beside the tigers habitat.  Is he/she out?

As a matter of fact, yes.  The zoo has 5 or 6 tigers but only one is ever out at a time as they are solitary animals.

We never know just which one it is but today, this tiger seems content to just hang out, enjoying the nice morning just as we are.

Next stop is Lorikeet Landing.  Jared loves the birds and we always make a point to stop and see  if they want to be with him too.

The staff has indicated that they are not really interacting today but Jared wants to give it a try anyway.  Apparently the love is being felt both ways today.  Yes, he is the bird whisperer and the staff is shocked.

Treats do help for sure, but others had them and nothing happened.  I'll just let you follow what takes place without words.  He really should find some type of career in working with birds cos he definitely has a way with them and they recognize it.

Yes, getting him out of there is hard to do.  I even went back for more nectar.  However, we need to move on now.  It's warming right up and there is a lot of zoo left.

As we round the corner, relief is in site.  He takes complete advantage of it while I am of the opinion that it doesn't really cool me off, just makes my clothes stick to me more than the humidity is already doing.

In the next section of the zoo we stop for a height check.  It's a secret.


Obi - the two year old mandrill.

And then, it's time to go.  The heat has absolutely run us off today.

Yes, I'm a sucker and we stop at the gift shop for a new stuffie.

My grandson has requested a movie together.  We have Wreck It Ralph and I have never watched it.  Jared says it is a must so we snuggle up on the sofa together while Grandpa works in the office.

Then it's time to feed the birds and throw a football for awhile.

For the evening, I am once again typing away but I do catch Jared all tucked away under the hand quilt frame reading.  YES, reading.  Doesn't that make your heart happy?  It sure does it for me.

Seems as though stuffie is nearby too.  Nice.
15th - Another day and a very sleepy grandson.  I manage to get a project off the machine quilt frame in the morning and am able to take it along on today's requested outing.  We are off to Jumpstreet and I'll get it bound while there.  It's another DART day.

Jumpstreet and the dodge ball area is a big hit with my grandsons.  One of these days I need to take them all at once when they are in town.

I take up residency in a soft chair and stitch away while Jared thumps and gets thumped in the game.  As an observer, I always know where he should have moved.  I know, I know -- easier to watch than play and I certainly don't want to go in there.

16th -   Jared is hibernating today and I spend it making jam from the blackberries out back.  He usually likes to help with this, but I'm not sure what is up.  When the jam is finished I move onto making cookies.  He still doesn't come out.  Okay -- guess I'll work on my own projects today and let him do whatever.

17th  - One of the requests Jared has is to see cats.  Big cats.  Our zoo has quite a few but I located a rescue center in Wylie that has a ton so we are off to see what's there.

In-Sync Exotics is a great place with so many big cats, all of whom come from horrible past experiences.  Kudos to these people.

While I do not like the fact that they are in these cages - I do not like it at all - I still know they are better off here than where they were and they cannot be released back into the wild as they would not be able to adapt.   It's a harsh reality but a good lesson for both Jared and I.  There is a wall where there are memorials to all the cats who have been here and crossed over the "rainbow bridge."  It's really rather staggering.

We watch as this one lion plays and plays with a tire swing and can't help but smile at the whole thing.  They really are just big cats.

Lions and tigers are not the only inhabitants here.  There are many other breeds who call this home.  Cheetahs and lemurs, for example.  Now, I, along with many others, think owning one of these animals would just be oh so awesome.  The difference comes into play in that I KNOW that it is wrong and that I could never care for them correctly.  It's too bad that others don't gain that knowledge before they jump into something they cannot finish.

It's awesome to be here, but also very difficult.  Jared feels the same way.  It's time to go.  We've visited all the cats and it's so very dang hot out.  I want ice cream.

Dairy Queen is just right down the road and we decide to end the adventure on a high note.  A sugar high that is.  Blizzards for everyone.  Well, at least for the two of us.  I'm also so very thirsty that two glasses of water go down while I enjoy my ice cream.  See, I told you it was hot outside today.

In our attempt to keep Jared from another round of hibernation, Grandpa has paper airplanes and Uno cards.  Its lasts for awhile, but then he is off to his room again.

It's our last night as tomorrow we make the switch again and we are meeting at a water park so that will be a stand alone entry.  Hahaha -- I'm not sure that is something that even exists but will have to do.

I go in to bug him just a bit so that he doesn't get too comfortable in his hibernation.

He thinks I'll stop --- Oh silly boy.

Well, that's it.  Another camp session is in the books.  See ya next round Jared.

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