Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Jon's Summer Session - Days 1, 2, 3 & 4

4th -  Jon's session starts the way Elena and Malea's ends.  It's a crossover as Jen, Bekah, Jon, and Jared are in town for a variety of reasons and Jon will be staying for his turn with the grandparents.  Our day has been spent working on a project for Jen (which she is almost finished with) and the kids have just kind of hung out with Grandpa, but that is behind us now and everyone except Jen is going swimming.  We have located a recreation center right near our house - I know, go figure.  We have only been to the splash pad by it numerous times, but I had no idea there was a pool there too.  Let's go.

I love that Jon takes the time to pay attention to his smaller cousins and make them feel special too.  Both Elena and Malea simply adore him and he is super patient with them.

Between slides, swimming, and kid pools, our time is fun and the afternoon slips away all too quick.

I even notice it as we are leaving and Malea is struggling with her towel.  He stops to help her out and keep us all in forward motion.

Okay - now what?  Oh, I remember - Elena has asked for a Chopped competition and Jon wants to participate as a contestant.

We have such a great time with the competition but the best way for you to understand just what we did is to watch the video.  You can find it at this Chopped Link.

All too soon, or perhaps too late if you are the one driving, Jen, Bekah, and Jared hit the road for Abilene and everyone here heads to bed.  It's VERY late and we have an early day tomorrow so - we're signing out for tonight.

5th - After flying to Denver EARLY this morning to return Elena and Malea, it's noon and I am back and in Jon mode.  I have gone from two little girls to one very tall 15 year old grandson.  I no sooner arrive and Jon would like to go to the skating rink.  Well alrighty then.  It's an easy yes as it means I can just sit and watch.  We arrive just as it is opening so he pretty much has the rink to himself for awhile.  Nice.

He enters a race with a couple other boys his age and they are off.  Wow.  It's intense but the other dude is just a bit faster.

Wanting a break after an hour or so, we grab some nachos to share.  This is one of the truly 'bang for your buck' items here.  They don't scrimp and charge a minimal amount.  I can't do the peppers, but Jon sure can.  Wow.

That's pretty much it for today.  After two flights and three hours here, I am done in.  We're gonna chill the rest of the day.

6th -  Apparently the late night got to Jon too.  He sleeps in until after 10 and then around noon suggests that we go down to the Dallas Museum of Art.  Okay - we call for a bus to get us to the train and we are off.  After a bus, train, and trolley, we make it to the museum only to discover that they are closed on Mondays.  Somewhere in the back of my mind I knew that.  Drat.  Now for a return trip.  By the time we get back, Grandpa is home and ready for some Thai food.  That brings a smile to Jon's face and off we go.

7th -  Once Jon wakes (yes, I've been up and in the studio for quite some time), we decide to drive over to the mall for awhile.  We find that the Microsoft store has a virtual reality demonstration and Jon wants to give it a try.  Let's go.

Once I get all the paperwork filled out (Seriously - is this dangerous?) he is ready to go and I just stand back to watch.  It's quite comical from and outside perspective and entertaining all at the same time.

He loves it and we talk about how they will be available all over the place before long.

Next, it's onto Jumpstreet.  We really only need a dodge ball location.  That is the only thing he is interested in and spends the entire time doing just that.  Hey, he's still jumping and running so it's a good thing right?

It's been a fun day but time to go home and make some dinner for Grandpa who has been slaving away at the computer then entire time.

Tomorrow is another day and another post.

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