Monday, February 15, 2016

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Couple Time at the Zoo -- Lego Exhibit

We have finally found a wee bit of time to ourselves this month and I want to walk.  As we have not been back to the Zoo to see the entire LEGO display (see our post of the last trip HERE), today will fill both of those desires.  Members are allowed to arrive one hour early and we take advantage of that but must start in Zoo North instead of the Savannah side.  Like that's a problem.  I have a hunch most of the sculptures will be on this side anyway.  As we cross the bridge -- the lagoon is alive with color.  And they put on quite a show for us as well.  Territory, territory, territory.  The eternal fight.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Telluride and Raef's Birthday - Days 6-8 (Making Snow Candy)

Good morning once again.  I have the house to myself until 11, when I have to pick up Caleb from ski school and I am delightedly spending it doing a bit of sewing.  Everyone else is at work or school leaving me once again in a quiet house.

It has finally stopped snowing and the town is bathed in white.  It is also a crazy, busy hubbub today.

I arrive on time at the preschool to meet the bus and settle in to wait.  They say it is late sometimes but after half an hour, several parents are starting to ask questions along with me.  It arrives an hour later --- crazy since I could have driven up there in 15 minutes time.  Turns out it is harder to round up 20 preschoolers than one would think.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Telluride and Raef's Birthday - Days 1-5

Starting the new year out right with another trip.  This time it is to Colorado.  I am Telluride bound and as I fly through these amazingly blue skies, it's hard to tell the clouds from the snow peaks.

Isn't it absolutely beautiful?  Today is my grandson's 11th birthday. ELEVEN!!!  Wow.  That almost doesn't even seem possible.

Raef is having his "party" on Sunday with the BIG GAME.  However, that doesn't mean that we can't at least have a birthday cake and sing a song.  Right?

Turns out that brownies work well too.  And that's about it for my first day here.  Lazy comes to mind.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

On the Way Home --- Inspiration Strikes -- Sunrise Magic

Good-bye Billings.  It's time for my flight and the sun is just barely peeking out on the horizon.  I'm ready to head home.  I've missed my sweet Mister and only have a few days home with him before going to Colorado.  Time for some "Just Us Two" moments.

As we make our ascent into the sky, the lights from the city below are shining and sparkling from the snow surrounding them.  It really is quite lovely.

Ooooh, here comes the sun.  I am mesmerized as it shows it's absolute divine beauty.  It seems as though I have been following sunrises or sunsets for awhile now.  I have the idea in place for this year's mystery and as I fly it is solidified.  Oh the fun I will have with these colors.  Enjoy the eye candy as much as I did and remember that these are through a plane window -- not the cleanest one either.

Monday, January 11, 2016

Back to Montana - Matt's Family - Day 3

It's another chilly day in the neighborhood and my super fun grands are getting ready for school.  Bundle up, my precious ones, as it is definitely chilly out there.

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Back to Montana - Matt's's Family - Days 1 & 2

Day 5 dawns and I'm now out in Lockwood at my son's house.  THIS is an early rise house so if you want in on the action, ya gotta get out of bed.  While the kids are waiting for breakfast, I brought some small puzzles that they can work on.  Zyra jumps right into working on hers, but you can see Hyrum in the background and he REALLY doesn't want to do this.  His father is a bit persuasive and soon he is working on his as well.