Monday, July 27, 2015

Session 6 - Camp Josh - Days 3 & 4

We have another day with Grandpa and he wants to go down to the aquarium with us this time.  It seems as though he misses the trips quite often and loves it there as much as the rest of us.  Let's get up and going.

Josh is chomping at the bit to see the stingrays and a preschool class has just arrived so we make a beeline out there hoping to beat the rush.

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Session 6 - Camp Josh - Days 1 & 2

The switch has been made again and I now have Josh for a few days.  The sessions are counting down and there is only one more to go this summer.  NO -- slow time down.  I don't want this to end just yet.

Okay, okay.  Focus on this week and let the rest wait.  So, every time I drive with these boys in the car, they go to sleep.  I'm starting to wonder if it's my driving or if they just don't get enough sleep in their daily lives.  Whichever it is, I wake him when we get to Weatherford as I want a DQ treat and am pretty sure he will too.  Now to get back on the road.  The day is quickly passing us by and we need to pick Grandpa up from work on time.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Bekah's Visit - Boston and Home - Days 4, 5, 6

The day starts bright and early as Bekah and I are being picked up by DART and heading towards the airport.  We have a 9:00 flight and arrive in Boston around noon to check into our room on the ship before the daily sailing departs.  Yep, that's right.  In case you didn't read the previous post, we are staying on a clipper ship in Boston Harbor.  Ya just NEVER know what I'm gonna come up with next.

One needs to stop and wonder if she is at all happy about this trip.  The pictures certainly don't depict it at all.  Then again, she has real issues with me taking pictures of her.  Her friends are fine, but either me or her grandfather just seems to be more than she can handle.  It's time to fly.

Monday, July 20, 2015

Bekah's Visit - Days 1, 2, & 3

We discovered last night that Bekah is not all that thrilled to have been brought here without notice.  Ugh.  She is exhausted from camp and wanting some quiet and solitude.  Therefore, I give it to her.  I even set her up in my room with my laptop table/speakers so that she can just veg and watch whatever she wants.  The smile says it all.  At some point in the day, I settle in on the bed for a chat and let her know my idea for this week.  I want to take her to Boston for a few days but want to know if she likes the idea.  She does so we set about getting tickets and looking for a place to stay.

Everything almost derails as it appears Boston is on an all-time hotel rate high for this week.  What the heck?  I start searching some more obscure websites and locate a clipper ship in the harbor that rents out the rooms at night, but you have to be off the ship all day.  After asking Bekah about it, we are good to go.  One room with bunk beds for $50 bucks a night.  Score.  That's pretty much the end of day one except for lots of good talks.  I truly love having her here and wish it was more often.

Day two is more of the same - she is still relaxin' and I'm letting her.  It even includes breakfast in bed.  Now, THAT is truly spoiled.   I have tickets for the drumline show tonight at the local high school.  Since she is a member of drumline, I thought she would enjoy watching these others in their showcase.  First though, we need to be all packed for tomorrow.

It's a warm summer evening, but the show is pretty dang good although crazy packed.  I had an extra ticket so I told Bekah if she sold it before the show, she could keep the money.  Off she went and soon had some extra dollars in her pocket.  Let the show begin.

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Session 4 - Jacob's Turn - Days 5 & 6

After working on LEGOs again today (with Mister too) and by the end of the day, we are finished!  Yes!  What a good feeling that is.  As celebration, Jacob and I go to see Antman.  He has chosen the movie and I am indeed a reluctant guest with him, but guess what?  I LOVE IT!  It's a pretty cool movie and not at all what I expected.  Score one for Jacob converting Gammy.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Session 4 - Jacob's Turn - Days 3 & 4

We spend the morning working on the LEGO's.  I would like to get them kitted up out of the huge tub of mixture that we own.  Jacob has agreed to help me out.  After a full morning of tiny bricks and weird shapes, we call it done for the day.  Jacob would like to go down to Jumpstreet and we can do that.  It's just a quick call to the DART to pick us up and we are soon on our way.  He's really only interested in the dodgeball section today, which is fine as he is entertained for several hours, with a snack or two thrown in.  Me?  I sit and watch while working on the clues for my upcoming mystery.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Session 4 - Jacob's Turn - Days 1 & 2

I am off to deliver Jon and retrieve Jacob today and since I dropped Mister off at work and have an early start, I'll likely make it most of the way to Abilene before we meet up.  As I get to Eastland, I take a small detour and check out the courthouse.  Another picture for my collection.  Jon is not even aware of my stop.

Jen and I meet up just a bit further down the road and I am making the return trip with a TON of company.  Goodness these boys sleep a lot.

When we get to Fort Worth, I ask if he would like to check out the science museum and receive an answer in the affirmative.  Well okay then -- let's go.  The light room is first and I have to admit that I love this room.  I love the hands on activity and the ability to learn while playing.  Light has always fascinated me and today is not an exception.