Josh is chomping at the bit to see the stingrays and a preschool class has just arrived so we make a beeline out there hoping to beat the rush.

You have to hold the food upright in your hand so that the stingray can come along and suck it right out of your fist. It needs to be held firmly, yet not so tight that their suction won't work.
The rays have already figured out what is going on and are waiting right near him. It will be a frenzy to get to his hand first. He does great and we keep it up until all our food is gone.

Oooh, a rare treat. The iguana is up and moving around it's habitat. Mister and I have never seen it move, although we know it does as we see it in different spots around the tank. Dang, wouldn't want to bump into this while on a walk.

The aquarium always has great teaching stations around and we get to have a hands on approach to learning. I remember when Jen home schooled and had the chance to go places like this all the time as part of their education. It's one of the things I like most about home schooling.

After a final farewell visit with the grouper, we are off to the lagoon outside for some "get the wiggles out" time. This place is absolutely perfect for it and I hope it never changes.
Let's go see if the swan boats are open. NO again. I swear I don't know why they are here. They are never open and running.
After some lunch and a little quiet time, we decide to run over to the splash park and let Josh cool off a bit. It's a great little spot and not to crowded today. Bonus.
Well, that's it for today. Time for dinner and some rest. Tomorrow is another fun-filled camp day.
Good morning! Grandpa is back at work today so we are on the DART heading to the zoo. Want to come along with us?
First up: the lemurs and we catch them just starting their day. Rather lazily if you ask me.

I love the flamingo birds as they carry on in the little communities. They have a definite language to let each other know what is what and when someone has violated a rule that we know nothing about. The kerfuffles are great to watch.
Josh's favorite part of the zoo is the primates. He loves them and thus we are heading to them first thing. What do you think he is looking at?

Let's keep going and perhaps we will be able to spot a baby somewhere along the way. The Colobus monkeys have one, I think.
By golly, I was right. Look how cute he is.

It looks good and no one else is in the aviary right now so we are indeed lucky. They are not interested in landing on him today, and to tell the truth I'm not sure he wants them to.
From the lorikeets to the cheetah. That's a rapid transition but we make it in time for the demo.

Love, love, love these animals with their black tongue and soft brown eyes.
Apparently, they are not the only creatures that are hungry. Time to feed the human.
Hmmm -- not looking too kingly here. This is the view from the restaurant.

One last spot to check out today. The Gorilla Trail in which we don't see any gorillas but are treated to the antics of the chimpanzees along with their babies.

As we exit the trail, an encounter with a snake is in process. Run, Josh.

I am amazed at how well he is doing and staying on task.
You can see for yourself:
Little hands doing the quilting. Precious.
Well that's it. Another day is done and I am too. Night all.
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