Friday, July 10, 2015

Jon's Time -- Session 3 of Summer Camp Begins - Days 3 & 4

After another sleepy morning, we are off to the skating rink just after lunch.  He can skate like crazy for 3 hours, when they close for the afternoon session.  It's only a few blocks from the house, so we just walk down.  I LOVE that he LOVES to skate.  When I sit and watch him, I am amazed at how smooth he is.  What a natural at this.

He decides to run a race and I catch it on video

Once we are back home, tonight's dinner is also a request of Jon's.  He wants to make Maul Dasha and I am more than willing to help him with it.  I love it as well and don't make it near often enough.

Once he has the dough made, then he cuts it into squares and we start making little "bundles" filled with strawberries.  This one on one time just fills my heart so full.  I love this time together and we get to talk about everything while we work.  I hope these days never end as I love them so very much.

And tonight's dinner also has some pan seared brats to go with.  I know, it doesn't look all that yummy, but it is old world goodness at it's very best and I think about my grandma each time I make it.  Hopefully Jon will too.  Now for some down time.

It's day four already.  Goodness.  This week is just flying by.  Per the norm, a noon waking and then a request to go to Jumpstreet.  We can do that.  We have a car today allowing us to zoom right over there and leave Grandpa to work in peace.  I find a comfy chair that provides me a view of most areas and off he goes.

I hope he just runs and flips himself silly.  Use up some of the energy that he really doesn't know what to do with.  Soon, the dodge ball area starts filling with other kids and that becomes his home for the rest of the time we are here.  As soon as he gets out, he lines up and heads back in when the match is finished.  Over and over again, this repeats itself.

That's it for today.  No cooking tonight.  Amanda is in town and we are enjoying dinner out with her.  Onto another day.

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