Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Session 6 - Camp Josh - Days 5 & 6

It's Day 5 and for some crazy reason this kid wants to walk down to the dollar store and go shopping.  Well heck, it's a cheap activity so why not?

After he finds what he wants (and this is no small feat -- it takes FOREVER), we make a quick pit stop at Gecko to say hi to George.

He is just the coolest chicken around and will talk to you if you cluck at him.

Gotta check out the chicks inside too before we head home.

Once back home, it is back to the pillowcase.  He wants to finish it today as tomorrow is his last day with me and it's only a partial.  Get to it Gammy.

A very short while later --- he has it finished!  What a great job and this is one very proud kid.

We still have one more thing on our "to-do" list and that is to make cookies.  However, Josh bought a little paint set earlier and wants to do that first.  Always one to oblige . . .

Now, onto the cookies - more skills.  Measuring, mixing, portioning, baking ---  life skills.

And the final product.  Yummy.  This has been a fun day and we've also gotten the laundry done and packed everything for tomorrow.  Whew.

Good morning.  Last night when Mister got home, he and Josh repotted one of our spider babies that was in the window of the kitchen.  It is going home with him and he loves it.

Everything is soon loaded into the car and we are off.  Why, you ask, is Josh wearing swimwear if he is going home?  Well, because we are going to meet up with family at the waterpark for the day.  Silly questions.

But first, a stop at IHOP for breakfast.  Thank goodness restaurants have coloring books because I don't think he would have made it til his food arrived without one.

Okay kid, eat up.

We get to Weatherford a bit early so I want to check out the quilt shop real quick and pick up a row by row pattern.  While there, Josh spots this quilt on the wall and really wants to make one.  We hunt down the fabric and he soon has a new project going home with him.  I am certainly not going to quelch the enthusiasm for sewing.

Okay, we have killed enough time now and the waterpark is opening.  Jen arrives at the same time as us and let the fun begin.  Since this is Josh's week, I grab a few pictures of him before sitting down to visit with Jen for awhile.  I'm just staying for a little bit.

It's been such a fun week.  Thank you, Josh, for spending time with me and Grandpa.  We can't wait for the next opportunity.  Love ya tons, Gammy.

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