Sunday, August 2, 2015

Session 7 - Colorado Boys - Travel and Days 1 & 2

It's another manic Friday.  I know that's not the way the song goes, but it's my day.  With a flight to Denver to meet up with grands and then return, what else could it be?  Upon my arrival, I am given three boys who are hungry and parents who need to depart RIGHT AWAY.  Okay.  Let's go get some lunch before going to the gate.  Our flight is delayed anyway, so we have time to kill.

After filling tummies, we go to the gate only to discover that we are delayed again.  Well dang.  It's going to mean that we get into Dallas rather late today but at least we are going.  Finally - we board.

With four of us and flying on Southwestern, the two older boys take a seat together behind Caleb and I.  They are super good most of the way but at the end they get the giggles and I have to give them a stern look after apologizing to the lady behind me.  No foul -- just having fun.

Caleb plays for awhile and then sleeps most of the flight.  Long days are hard on little ones.

It's pretty late when we arrive home so Grandpa picks us up and we go straight home and to bed.  Tomorrow is a stay at home play day as requested by the boys.  We can do that.  Grandpa loves to play.

It turns out that we decide to make a video today.  I am in the middle of preparing for a mystery quilt release at the end of the month so we base it on that.

It is too large for Blogger to let me post it here, but you can link to it at: It's super cute and they did such a great job.

Onto Sunday -- After a great and relaxing day yesterday, today is an adventure day.  We are off to the Children's Aquarium, again upon request, for some aquatic fun.  Grandpa is home and we have the car - woohoo.  Let's go.

First stop is the touch tank.  So many lessons to learn and fun for everyone at all times.

Now to the stingrays.  THIS is what they are really after.  Me too, if I'm being honest.

Little hands go right into the water for touches.  Some of the rays are super friendly and basically wait for pets.  I know that sounds odd, but it's true.

Seriously, these creatures will occupy children for as long as you want.  We are usually the ones who are ready to go and have to tell them it's time.  We are here during feeding time and that makes it all the more entertaining.  Caleb wants to feed so we are doing it together.  I do so enjoy these moments of memory making.  Feeding is super fun for me too.  It takes me back to a time in the ocean when I fed wild ones.  So super fun.

It's so nice to have Grandpa along for the pictures.  I have a hard time getting perfect ones when I am by myself and these are great.

Okay, it's time to move on and right next to the stingrays is the shark tank which also houses a rescued sea turtle.  Oh how I love these creatures and the boys all know it.  Everyone seems to have an affinity to them today.  As I turn around, it seems that one of us really doesn't want to leave the stingrays.  Come on Raef - time to go.

As soon as we go inside to the tanks, the boys find that the iguana is up and about.  What a lucky day for them.  We go through the exhibits rather quickly as the most exciting part for them is over and then I ask if they want time at the lagoon.  Of course Gammy.  Silly old lady.  Why wouldn't we?

Off we go for some romping and running before we have to catch the train back to the house.

I'll just let you follow the pictures as they play and discover -- here it is turtles on a log that they spot out in the water.

Moving on -- we make a stop at the mammoth for a few more adventures and then have to say farewell to this fun place.  We need some food and I have an idea on how to get that.  On the way back to the car, I give permission for one FAST run through the fountain.  Just enough to cool off but not enough to get totally soaked as we don't have a change of clothes with us.

That's it -- back to the car.  Yes, we must climb on everything along the way.  They are BOYS, ya know.

So . . .. . my idea is for pizza and a movie at Studio Movie Grill.  This is met with approval from three and a look from Mister that says, "Really?"  Yep, really.  Let's go.  Truth be told, he is agreeing because the movie is Minions and he loves the little buggers.

We arrive just a bit early and have to wait until they are ready to seat us but it doesn't take too long.  Once in our seats, Grandpa orders endless pizza and we are set.

It's been a great day, but all good things must end when they eyes need to sleep.  See ya'll tomorrow.

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