Sunday, July 12, 2015

Jon's Time -- Session 3 of Summer Camp Begins - Days 5 & 6

Saturday morning and Mister wants to see Minions.  I guess that means we are off to the first movie of the day.  This takes us to the mall where not a single store is even open yet.  Only the theater.  Yes, this is a little crazy, but we can make it happen.

Amanda is in town for a dental workshop and we have been shuttling her around in between events.  She had an early drop-off this morning and will be done around noon.  Jon is pestering her to go roller skating with him and she finally gave in and said yes.  A decision I am sure she will regret the minute those skates go on.

So what's wrong with this picture?  For some reason Amanda is on the rink and Jon is not.

And there they go.  Yes, it's like riding a bicycle.  Once you know how, it all comes back to you.  Just don't fall.  It's further down than when you were younger.  Jon, if you thought she was going to go fast with you . . . .

After an hour of skating, Amanda called it quits and she and I went shopping so she could find a new suitcase.  When we arrived back home, Grandpa and Jon were working to see if they could fix his computer.  Sad to say -- I don't think they did.

Good morning.  Amanda has decided to return home a day early and so I take advantage of a few minutes of girl time with her.  Oh I wish we lived closer.

Grandpa went out EARLY this morning to get donuts and is now making cocoa.  What a cool guy he is.

Jon mentions that he would like to learn to make bread and I think it sounds like a great idea.  Some homemade bread would taste pretty good right now.  We get to work and before we know it, the bread is ready to rise.  I ask him what else he would like to do and he says he wants to make a stuffed toy.  Okaaaay.  I don't have any patterns so he will have to draw it himself.  I find some fabric that matches the quilt he made last year and away he goes.

First he draws his pattern and then cuts out two pieces.  Next, he sews them together, leaving an opening for stuffing.  You can see the outline of what he cut out on the cutting board still.  Now to stuff it with "fluff."  Not my word - his.  Then to mark the arms and legs to sew them down.

We have to leave the studio as the bread is ready to punch down.  Again, his smile just lights up the room while doing this.  I gotta admit, I like the feeling too.

The next steps are to roll out the dough, shape it and let it rise again.

While on the second rise, he takes that time to handstitch his toy closed.  So many lessons being learned here and I'm pretty convinced I need him around to help me design stuff.  He just has that ability to see things in his mind and then tell his hands what to do.  I wish.

The bread goes in the oven and soon the whole house smells like a bakery.  I adore that smell and it makes me think I'm back in the mountains again.  Yep, just a country girl living in the city.

Here comes Grandpa for the first cut.  Hot bread and butter?  Nothing better.

Well it's our last evening with Jon but I've had such a great time.  I hope he has too and I can't wait until we can do this again.  I have truly enjoyed our talks and fun times.  Memories have been made and I will treasure them.  Thank you, Jon, for making me a part of your summer.

Love ya tons.

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